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The Admiralty
and Maritime Law Guide includes over 1,500 annotated links to admiralty
law resources on the Internet and a growing database of admiralty case
digests, opinions and international maritime conventions. The emphasis
is on the law of the United States and the focus is on Internet resources
that can be used in an effective and practical manner by admiralty attorneys
and maritime professionals. Internet sites that are notably comprehensive
in their treatment of admiralty law or a related area are marked with flags.
The Guide is affiliated with the WWW Virtual
Library, which is the original web directory on the Internet.
The Guide aims to be a comprehensive research source for admiralty and maritime law on the
Internet and has been recognized by the Cornell Law Library as an "all-encompassing
site [that] is a useful bookmark for any user interested in the study and
practice of maritime and admiralty law." It has also been cited as
a research source by the National Transportation Library, the American
Society of International Law, the Social Science Information Gateway and
the University of Colorado Law Library, among others. The PBS series Frontline
in an online resource section for its program "The Lawless Sea" noted that
the Guide "offers a wide range of information on maritime law" and is "an
excellent guide to international regulations and agreements."
The author
is Todd Kenyon, B.A., University of Wisconsin,
Madison; J.D., Syracuse University;
in Admiralty, Tulane University.
He is an admiralty attorney and member of the law firm Betancourt,
Van Hemmen, Greco & Kenyon. |