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Article 279
Obligation to settle disputes by peaceful
States Parties shall settle any dispute
between them concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention
by peaceful means in accordance with Article 2, paragraph 3, of the Charter
of the United Nations and, to this end, shall seek a solution by the means
indicated in Article 33, paragraph 1, of the Charter.
Article 280
Settlement of disputes by any peaceful
means chosen by the parties
Nothing in this Part impairs the right
of any States Parties to agree at any time to settle a dispute between
them concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention by
any peaceful means of their own choice.
Article 281
Procedure where no settlement has been
reached by the parties
1. If the States Parties which are parties
to a dispute concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention
have agreed to seek settlement of the dispute by a peaceful means of their
own choice, the procedures provided for in this Part apply only where no
settlement has been reached by recourse to such means and the agreement
between the parties does not exclude any further procedure .
2. If the parties have also agreed on
a time-limit, paragraph 1 applies only upon the expiration of that time-limit.
Article 282
Obligations under general, regional
or bilateral agreements
If the States Parties which are parties
to a dispute concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention
have agreed, through a general, regional or bilateral agreement or otherwise,
that such dispute shall, at the request of any party to the dispute, be
submitted to a procedure that entails a binding decision, that procedure
shall apply in lieu of the procedures provided for in this Part, unless
the parties to the dispute otherwise agree.
Article 283
Obligation to exchange views
1. When a dispute arises between States
Parties concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention,
the parties to the dispute shall proceed expeditiously to an exchange of
views regarding its settlement by negotiation or other peaceful means.
2. The parties shall also proceed expeditiously
to an exchange of views where a procedure for the settlement of such a
dispute has been terminated without a settlement or where a settlement
has been reached and the circumstances require consultation regarding the
manner of implementing the settlement.
Article 284
1. A State Party which is a party to
a dispute concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention
may invite the other party or parties to submit the dispute to conciliation
in accordance with the procedure under Annex V, section 1, or another conciliation
2. If the invitation is accepted and
if the parties agree upon the conciliation procedure to be applied, any
party may submit the dispute to that procedure.
3. If the invitation is not accepted
or the parties do not agree upon the procedure, the conciliation proceedings
shall be deemed to be terminated.
4. Unless the parties otherwise agree,
when a dispute has been submitted to conciliation, the proceedings may
be terminated only in accordance with the agreed conciliation procedure.
Article 285
Application of this section
to disputes submitted pursuant to Part XI
This section applies to any dispute
which pursuant to Part XI, section 5, is to be settled in accordance with
procedures provided for in this Part. If an entity other than a State Party
is a party to such a dispute, this section applies mutatis mutandis.
Article 286
Application of procedures under this
Subject to section 3, any dispute concerning
the interpretation or application of this Convention shall, where no settlement
has been reached by recourse to section 1, be submitted at the request
of any party to the dispute to the court or tribunal having jurisdiction
under this section.
Article 287
Choice of procedure
1. When signing, ratifying or acceding
to this Convention or at any time thereafter, a State shall be free to
choose, by means of a written declaration, one or more of the following
means for the settlement of disputes concerning the interpretation or application
of this Convention:
(a) the International Tribunal for the
Law of the Sea established in accordance with Annex VI;
(b) the International Court of Justice;
(c) an arbitral tribunal constituted
in accordance with Annex VII;
(d) a special arbitral tribunal constituted
in accordance with Annex VII for one or more of the categories of disputes
specified therein.
2. A declaration made under paragraph
I shall not affect or be affected by the obligation of a State Party to
accept the jurisdiction of the Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber of the International
Tribunal for the Law of the Sea to the extent and in the manner provided
for in Part Xl, section 5.
3. A State Party, which is a party to
a dispute not covered by a declaration in force, shall be deemed to have
accepted arbitration in accordance with Annex VII.
4. If the parties to a dispute have
accepted the same procedure for the settlement of the dispute, it may be
submitted only to that procedure, unless the parties otherwise agree.
5. If the parties to a dispute have
not accepted the same procedure for the settlement of the dispute, it may
be submitted only to arbitration in accordance with Annex VII, unless the
parties otherwise agree.
6. A declaration made under paragraph
1 shall remain in force until three months after notice of revocation has
been deposited with the SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations.
7. A new declaration, a notice of revocation
or the expiry of a declaration does not in any way affect proceedings pending
before a court or tribunal having jurisdiction under this article, unless
the parties otherwise agree.
8. Declarations and notices referred
to in this article shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the
United Nations, who shall transmit copies thereof to the States Parties.
Article 288
1. A court or tribunal referred to
in article 287 shall have jurisdiction over any dispute concerning the
interpretation or application of this Convention which is submitted to
it in accordance with this Part.
2. A court or tribunal referred to in
article 287 shall also have jurisdiction over any dispute concerning the
interpretation or application of an international agreement related to
the purposes of this Convention, which Is submitted to it in accordance
with the agreement.
3. The Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber of the
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea established in accordance
with Annex VI, and any other chamber or arbitral tribunal referred to in
Part XI, section 5, shall have jurisdiction in any matter which is submitted
to it in accordance therewith.
4. In the event of a dispute as to whether
a court or tribunal has jurisdiction, the matter shall be settled by decision
of that court or tribunal.
Article 289
In any dispute involving scientific
or technical matters, a court or tribunal exercising jurisdiction under
this section may, at the request of a party or proprio motu, select in
consultation with the parties no fewer than two scientific or technical
experts chosen preferably from the relevant list prepared in accordance
with Annex VIII, article 2, to sit with the court or tribunal but without
the right to vote.
Article 290
Provisional measures
1. If a dispute has been duly submitted
to a court or tribunal which considers that prima facie it has jurisdiction
under this Part or Part XI, section 5, the court or tribunal may prescribe
any provisional measures which it considers appropriate under the circumstances
to preserve the respective rights of the parties to the dispute or to prevent
serious harm to the marine environment, pending the final decision.
2. Provisional measures may be modified
or revoked as soon as the circumstances justifying them have changed or
ceased to exist.
3. Provisional measures may be prescribed,
modified or revoked under this article only at the request of a party to
the dispute and after the parties have been given an opportunity to be
4. The court or tribunal shall forthwith
give notice to the parties to the dispute, and to such other States Parties
as it considers appropriate, of the prescription, modification or revocation
of provisional measures.
5. Pending the constitution of an arbitral
tribunal to which a dispute is being submitted under this section, any
court or tribunal agreed upon by the parties or, failing such agreement
within two weeks from the date of the request for provisional measures,
the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea or, with respect to activities
in the Area, the Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber, may prescribe, modify or revoke
provisional measures in accordance with this article if it considers that
prima facie the tribunal which is to be constituted would have jurisdiction
and that the urgency of the situation so requires. Once constituted, the
tribunal to which the dispute has been submitted may modify, revoke or
affirm those provisional measures, acting in conformity with paragraphs
1 to 4.
6. The parties to the dispute shall
comply promptly with any provisional measures prescribed under this article.
Article 291
1. All the dispute settlement procedures
specified in this Part shall be open to States Parties.
2. The dispute settlement procedures
specified in this Part shall be open to entities other than States Parties
only as specifically provided for in this Convention.
Article 292
Prompt release of vessels and crews
1. Where the authorities of a State
Party have detained a vessel flying the nag of another State Party
and it is alleged that the detaining State has not complied with
the provisions of this Convention for the prompt release of the vessel
or its crew upon the posting of a reasonable bond or other financial
security, the question of release from detention may be submitted
to any court or tribunal agreed upon by the parties or, failing such
agreement within 10 days from the time of detention, to a court or
tribunal accepted by the detaining State under article 287 or to
the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, unless the parties
otherwise agree.
2. The application for release may be
made only by or on behalf of the flag State of the vessel.
3. The court or tribunal shall deal
without delay with the application for release and shall deal only
with the question of release, without prejudice to the merits of
any case before the appropriate domestic forum against the vessel,
its owner or its crew. The authorities of the detaining State remain
competent to release the vessel or its crew at any time.
4. Upon the posting of the bond or other
financial security determined by the court or tribunal, the authorities
of the detaining State shall comply promptly with the decision of
the court or tribunal concerning the release of the vessel or its
Article 293
Applicable law
1. A court or tribunal having jurisdiction
under this section shall apply this Convention and other rules of
international law not incompatible with this Convention.
2. Paragraph I does not prejudice the
power of the court or tribunal having jurisdiction under this section
to decide a case ex aequo et bono, if the parties so agree.
Article 294
Preliminary proceedings
1. A court or tribunal provided for
in article 287 to which an application is made in respect of a dispute
referred to in article 297 shall determine at the request of a party,
or may determine proprio motu, whether the claim constitutes an abuse
of legal process or whether prima facie it is well founded. If the
court or tribunal determines that the claim constitutes an abuse
of legal process or is prima facie unfounded, it shall take no further
action in the case.
2. Upon receipt of the application,
the court or tribunal shall immediately notify the other party or
parties of the application, and shall fix a reasonable time-limit
within which they may request it to make a determination in accordance
with paragraph 1.
3. Nothing in this article affects the
right of any party to a dispute to make preliminary objections in
accordance with the applicable rules of procedure.
Article 295
Exhaustion of local remedies
Any dispute between States Parties concerning
the interpretation or application of this Convention may be submitted
to the procedures provided for in this section only after local remedies
have been exhausted where this is required by international law.
Article 296
Finality and binding force of decisions
1. Any decision rendered by a court
or tribunal having jurisdiction under this section shall be final
and shall be complied with by all the parties to the dispute.
2. Any such decision shall have no binding
force except between the
parties and in respect of that particular
Article 297
Limitations on applicability of section
1. Disputes concerning the interpretation
or application of this Convention with regard to the exercise by
a coastal State of its sovereign rights or jurisdiction provided
for in this Convention shall be subject to the procedures provided
for in section 2 in the following cases:
(a) when it is alleged that a coastal
State has acted in contravention of the provisions of this Convention
in regard to the freedoms and rights of navigation, overnight or
the laying of submarine cables and pipelines, or in regard to other
internationally lawful uses of the sea specified in article 58;
(b) when it is alleged that a State
in exercising the aforementioned freedoms, rights or uses has acted
in contravention of this Convention or of laws or regulations adopted
by the coastal State in conformity with this Convention and other
rules of international law not incompatible with this Convention;
(c) when it is alleged that a coastal
State has acted in contravention of specified international rules
and standards for the protection and preservation of the marine environment
which are applicable to the coastal State and which have been established
by this Convention or through a competent international organization
or diplomatic conference in accordance with this Convention.
2. (a) Disputes concerning the interpretation
or application of the provisions of this Convention with regard to
marine scientific research shall be settled in accordance with section
2, except that the coastal State shall not be obliged to accept the
submission to such settlement of any dispute arising out of:
(i) the exercise by the coastal State
of a right or discretion in accordance with article 246, or
(ii) a decision by the coastal State
to order suspension or cessation of a research project in accordance
with article 253.
(b) A dispute arising from an allegation
by the researching State that with respect to a specific project
the coastal State is not exercising its rights under articles 246
and 253 in a manner compatible with this Convention shall be submitted,
at the request of either party, to conciliation under Annex V, section
2, provided that the conciliation commission shall not call in question
the exercise by the coastal State of its discretion to designate
specific areas as referred to in article 246, paragraph 6, or of
its discretion to withhold consent in accordance with article 246,
paragraph 5.
3. (a) Disputes concerning the interpretation
or application of the provisions of this Convention with regard to
fisheries shall be settled in accordance with section 2, except that
the coastal State shall not be obliged to accept the submission to
such settlement of any dispute relating to its sovereign rights with
respect to the living resources in the exclusive economic zone or
their exercise, including its discretionary powers for determining
the allowable catch, its harvesting capacity, the allocation of surpluses
to other States and the terms and conditions established in its conservation
and management laws and regulations.
(b) Where no settlement has been reached
by recourse to section I of this Part, a dispute shall be submitted
to conciliation under Annex V, section 2, at the request of any party
to the dispute, when it is alleged that:
(i) a coastal State has manifestly failed
to comply with its obligations to ensure through proper conservation
and management measures that the maintenance of the living resources
in the exclusive economic zone is not seriously endangered;
(ii) a coastal State has arbitrarily
refused to determine, at the request of another State, the allowable
catch and its capacity to harvest living resources with respect to
stocks which that other State is interested in fishing; or
(iii) a coastal State has arbitrarily
refused to allocate to any State, under articles 62, 69 and 70 and
under the terms and conditions established by the coastal State consistent
with this Convention, the whole or part of the surplus it has declared
to exist.
(c) In no case shall the conciliation
commission substitute its discretion for that of the coastal State.
(d) The report of the conciliation commission
shall be communicated to the appropriate international organizations.
(e) In negotiating agreements pursuant
to articles 69 and 70, States Parties, unless they otherwise agree,
shall include a clause on measures which they shall take in order
to minimize the possibility of a disagreement concerning the interpretation
or application of the agreement, and on how they should proceed if
a disagreement nevertheless arises.
Article 298
Optional exceptions to applicability
of section 2
1. When signing, ratifying or acceding
to this Convention or at any time thereafter, a State may, without
prejudice to the obligations arising under section I, declare in
writing that it does not accept any one or more of the procedures
provided for in section 2 with respect to one or more of the following
categories of disputes:
(a) (i) disputes concerning the interpretation
or application of articles 15, 74 and 83 relating to sea boundary
delimitations, or those involving historic bays or titles, provided
that a State having made such a declaration shall, when such a dispute
arises subsequent to the entry into force of this Convention and
where no agreement within a reasonable period of time is reached
in negotiations between the parties, at the request of any party
to the dispute, accept submission of the matter to conciliation under
Annex V, section 2; and provided further that any dispute that necessarily
involves the concurrent consideration of any unsettled dispute concerning
sovereignty or other rights over continental or insular land territory
shall be excluded from such submission;
(ii) after the conciliation commission
has presented its report, which shall state the reasons on which
it is based, the parties shall negotiate an agreement on the basis
of that report; if these negotiations do not result in an agreement,
the parties shall, by mutual consent, submit the question to one
of the procedures provided for in section 2, unless the parties otherwise
(iii) this subparagraph does not apply
to any sea boundary dispute finally settled by an arrangement between
the parties, or to any such dispute which is to be settled in accordance
with a bilateral or multilateral agreement binding upon those parties;
(b) disputes concerning military activities,
including military activities by government vessels and aircraft
engaged in non- commercial service, and disputes concerning law enforcement
activities in regard to the exercise of sovereign rights or jurisdiction
excluded from the jurisdiction of a court or tribunal under article
297, paragraph 2 or 3;
(c) disputes in respect of which the
Security Council of the United Nations is exercising the functions
assigned to it by the Charter of the United Nations, unless the Security
Council decides to remove the matter from its agenda or calls upon
the parties to settle it by the means provided for in this Convention.
2. A State Party which has made a declaration
under paragraph I may at any time withdraw it, or agree to submit
a dispute excluded by such declaration to any procedure specified
in this Convention.
3. A State Party which has made a declaration
under paragraph I shall not be entitled to submit any dispute falling
within the excepted category of disputes to any procedure in this
Convention as against another State Party, without the consent of
that party.
4. If one of the States Parties has
made a declaration under paragraph I (a), any other State Party may
submit any dispute falling within an excepted category against the
declarant party to the procedure specified in such declaration.
5. A new declaration, or the withdrawal
of a declaration, does not in any way affect proceedings pending
before a court or tribunal in accordance with this article, unless
the parties otherwise agree.
6. Declarations and notices of withdrawal
of declarations under this article shall be deposited with the Secretary-General
of the United Nations, who shall transmit copies thereof to the States
Article 299
Right of the parties to agree upon
a procedure
1. A dispute excluded under article
297 or excepted by a declaration made under article 298 from the
dispute settlement procedures provided for in section 2 may be submitted
to such procedures only by agreement of the parties to the dispute.
2. Nothing in this section impairs the
right of the parties to the dispute to agree to some other procedure
for the settlement of such dispute or to reach an amicable settlement.
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