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Article 238
Right to conduct marine scientific
All States, irrespective of their geographical
location, and competent international organizations have the right to conduct
marine scientific research subject to the rights and duties of other States
as provided for in this Convention.
Article 239
Promotion of marine scientific research
States and competent international organizations
shall promote and facilitate the development and conduct of marine scientific
research in accordance with this Convention.
Article 240
General principles for the conduct
of marine scientific research
In the conduct of marine scientific
research the following principles shall apply:
(a) marine scientific research shall
be conducted exclusively for peaceful purposes;
(b) marine scientific research shall
be conducted with appropriate scientific methods and means compatible with
this Convention;
(c) marine scientific research shall
not unjustifiably interfere with other legitimate uses of the sea compatible
with this Convention and shall be duly respected in the course of such
(d) marine scientific research shall
be conducted in compliance with all relevant regulations adopted in conformity
with this Convention including those for the protection and preservation
of the marine environment.
Article 241
Non-recognition of marine scientific
research activities as the legal basis for claims
Marine scientific research activities
shall not constitute the legal basis for any claim to any part of the marine
environment or its resources.
Article 242
Promotion of international co-operation
1. States and competent international
organizations shall, in accordance with the principle of respect for sovereignty
and jurisdiction and on the basis of mutual benefit, promote international
co-operation in marine scientific research for peaceful purposes.
2. In this context, without prejudice
to the rights and duties of States under this Convention, a State, in the
application of this Part, shall provide, as appropriate, other States with
a reasonable opportunity to obtain from it, or with its co-operation, information
necessary to prevent and control damage to the health and safety of persons
and to the marine environment.
Article 243
Creation of favourable conditions
States and competent international organizations
shall co-operate, through the conclusion of bilateral and multilateral
agreements, to create favourable conditions for the conduct of marine scientific
research in the marine environment and to integrate the efforts of scientists
in studying the essence of phenomena and processes occurring in the marine
environment and the interrelations between them.
Article 244
Publication and dissemination of information
and knowledge
1. States and competent international
organizations shall, in accordance with this Convention, make available
by publication and dissemination through appropriate channels information
on proposed major programmes and their objectives as well as knowledge
resulting from marine scientific research.
2. For this purpose, States, both individually
and in co-operation with other States and with competent international
organizations, shall actively promote the flow of scientific data and information
and the transfer of knowledge resulting from marine scientific research,
especially to developing States, as well as the strengthening of the autonomous
marine scientific research capabilities of developing States through, inter
alia, programmes to provide adequate education and training of their technical
and scientific personnel.
Article 245
Marine scientific research in the territorial
Coastal States, in the exercise of their
sovereignty, have the exclusive right to regulate, authorize and conduct
marine scientific research in their territorial sea. Marine scientific
research therein shall be conducted only with the express consent of and
under the conditions set forth by the coastal State.
Article 246
Marine scientific research in the exclusive
economic zone and on the continental shelf
1. Coastal States, in the exercise of
their jurisdiction, have the right to regulate, authorize and conduct marine
scientific research in their exclusive economic zone and on their continental
shelf in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Convention.
2. Marine scientific research in the
exclusive economic zone and on the continental shelf shall be conducted
with the consent of the coastal State.
3. Coastal States shall, in normal circumstances,
grant their consent for marine scientific research projects by other States
or competent international organizations in their exclusive economic zone
or on their continental shelf to be carried out in accordance with this
Convention exclusively for peaceful purposes and in order to increase scientific
knowledge of the marine environment for the benefit of all mankind. To
this end, coastal States shall establish rules and procedures ensuring
that such consent will not be delayed or denied unreasonably.
4. For the purposes of applying paragraph
3, normal circumstances may exist in spite of the absence of diplomatic
relations between the coastal State and the researching State.
5. Coastal States may however in their
discretion withhold their consent to the conduct of a marine scientific
research project of another State or competent international organization
in the exclusive economic zone or on the continental shelf of the coastal
State if that project:
(a) is of direct significance for the
exploration and exploitation of natural resources, whether living or non-living;
(b) involves drilling into the continental
shelf, the use of explosives or the introduction of harmful substances
into the marine environment;
(c) involves the construction, operation
or use of artificial islands, installations and structures referred to
in articles 60 and 80;
(d) contains information communicated
pursuant to article 248 regarding the nature and objectives of the project
which is inaccurate or if the researching State or competent international
organization has outstanding obligations to the coastal State from a prior
6. Notwithstanding the provisions of
paragraph 5, coastal States may not exercise their discretion to withhold
consent under subparagraph (a) of that paragraph in respect of marine scientific
research projects to be undertaken in accordance with the provisions of
this Part on the continental shelf, beyond 200 nautical miles from the
baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured, outside
those specific areas which coastal States may at any time publicly designate
as areas in which exploitation or detailed exploratory operations focused
on those areas are occurring or will occur within a reasonable period of
time. Coastal States shall give reasonable notice of the designation of
such areas, as well as any modifications thereto, but shall not be obliged
to give details of the operations therein.
7. The provisions of paragraph 6 are
without prejudice to the rights of coastal States over the continental
shelf as established in article 77.
8. Marine scientific research activities
referred to in this article shall not unjustifiably interfere with activities
undertaken by coastal States in the exercise of their sovereign rights
and jurisdiction provided for in this Convention.
Article 247
Marine scientific research projects
undertaken by or under the auspices of international organizations
A coastal State which is a member of
or has a bilateral agreement with an international organization, and in
whose exclusive economic zone or on whose continental shelf that organization
wants to carry out a marine scientific research project, directly or under
its auspices, shall be deemed to have authorized the project to be carried
out in conformity with the agreed specifications if that State approved
the detailed project when the decision was made by the organization for
the undertaking of the project, or is willing to participate in it, and
has not expressed any objection within four months of notification of the
project by the organization to the coastal State.
Article 248
Duty to provide information to the
coastal State
States and competent international organizations
which intend to undertake marine scientific research in the exclusive economic
zone or on the continental shelf of a coastal State shall, not less than
six months in advance of the expected starting date of the marine scientific
research project, provide that State with a full description of:
(a) the nature and objectives of the
(b) the method and means to be used,
including name, tonnage, type and class of vessels and a description of
scientific equipment;
(c) the precise geographical areas in
which the project is to be conducted;
(d) the expected date of first appearance
and final departure of the research vessels, or deployment of the equipment
and its removal, as appropriate;
(e) the name of the sponsoring institution,
its director, and the person in charge of the project; and
(f) the extent to which it is considered
that the coastal State should be able to participate or to be represented
in the project.
Article 249
Duty to comply with certain conditions
1. States and competent international
organizations when undertaking marine scientific research in the exclusive
economic zone or on the continental shelf of a coastal State shall comply
with the following conditions:
(a) ensure the right of the coastal
State, if it so desires, to participate or be represented in the marine
scientific research project, especially on board research vessels and other
craft or scientific research installations, when coastal State and without
obligation to contribute towards the costs of the project
(b) provide the coastal State, at its
request, with preliminary reports, as soon as practicable, and with the
final results and conclusions after the completion of the research
(c) undertake to provide access for
the coastal State, at its request, to all data and samples derived from
the marine scientific research project and likewise to furnish it with
data which may be copied and samples which may be divided without detriment
to their scientific value,
(d) if requested, provide the coastal
State with an assessment of such data, samples and research results or
provide assistance in their assessment or interpretation
(e) ensure, subject to paragraph 2,
that the research results are made internationally available through
appropriate national or international channels, as soon as
(f) inform the coastal State immediately
of any major change in the research programme;
(g) unless otherwise agreed, remove
the scientific research installations or equipment once the research is
2. This article is without prejudice
to the conditions established by the laws and regulations of the coastal
State for the exercise of its discretion to grant or withhold consent pursuant
to article 246, paragraph 5, including requiring prior agreement for making
internationally available the research results of a project of direct significance
for the exploration and exploitation of natural resources.
Article 250
Communications concerning marine scientific
research projects
Communications concerning the marine
scientific research projects shall be made through appropriate official
channels, unless otherwise agreed.
Article 251
General criteria and guidelines
States shall seek to promote through
competent international organizations the establishment of general criteria
and guidelines to assist States in ascertaining the nature and implications
of marine scientific research.
Article 252
Implied consent
States or competent international organizations
may proceed with a marine scientific research project six months after
the date upon which the information required pursuant to article 248 was
provided to the coastal State unless within four months of the receipt
of the communication containing such information the coastal State has
informed the State or organization conducting the research that:
(a) it has withheld its consent under
the provisions of article 246;
(b) the information given by that State
or competent international organization regarding the nature or objectives
of the project does not conform to the manifestly evident facts, or
(c) it requires supplementary information
relevant to conditions and the information provided for under articles
248 and 249; or
(d) outstanding obligations exist with
respect to a previous marine scientific research project carried out by
that State or organization, with regard to conditions established in article
Article 253
Suspension or cessation of marine scientific
research activities
1. A coastal State shall have the right
to require the suspension of any marine scientific research activities
in progress within its exclusive economic zone or on its continental shelf
(a) the research activities are not
being conducted in accordance with the information communicated as provided
under article 248 upon which the consent of the coastal State was based;
(b) the State or competent international
organization conducting the research activities fails to comply with the
provisions of article 249 concerning the rights of the coastal State with
respect to the marine scientific research project.
2. A coastal State shall have the right
to require the cessation of any marine scientific research activities in
case of any non-compliance with the provisions of article 248 which amounts
to a major change in the research project or the research activities.
3. A coastal State may also require
cessation of marine scientific research activities if any of the situations
contemplated in paragraph 1 are not rectified within a reasonable period
of time.
4. Following notification by the coastal
State of its decision to order suspension or cessation, States or competent
international organizations authorized to conduct marine scientific research
activities shall terminate the research activities that are the subject
of such a notification.
5. An order of suspension under paragraph
1 shall be lifted by the coastal State and the marine scientific research
activities allowed to continue once the researching State or competent
international organization has complied with the conditions required under
articles 248 and 249.
Article 254
Rights of neighbouring land-locked
and geographically
disadvantaged States
1. States and competent international
organizations which have submitted to a coastal State a project to undertake
marine scientific research referred to in article 246, paragraph 3, shall
give notice to the neighbouring land-locked and geographically disadvantaged
States of the proposed research project, and shall notify the coastal State
2. After the consent has been given
for the proposed marine scientific research project by the coastal State
concerned, in accordance with article 246 and other relevant provisions
of this Convention, States and competent international organizations undertaking
such a project shall provide to the neighbouring land-locked and geographically
disadvantaged States, at their request and when appropriate, relevant information
as specified in article 248 and article 249, paragraph 1 (f).
3. The neighbouring land-locked and
geographically disadvantaged States referred to above shall, at their request,
be given the opportunity to participate, whenever feasible, in the proposed
marine scientific research project through qualified experts appointed
by them and not objected to by the coastal State, in accordance with the
conditions agreed for the project, in conformity with the provisions of
this Convention, between the coastal State concerned and the State or competent
international organizations conducting the marine scientific research.
4. States and competent international
organizations referred to in paragraph 1 shall provide to the above-mentioned
land-locked and geographically disadvantaged States, at their request,
the information and assistance specified in article 249, paragraph 1 (d),
subject to the provisions of article 249, paragraph 2.
Article 255
Measures to facilitate marine scientific
research and assist research vessels
States shall endeavour to adopt reasonable
rules, regulations and procedures to promote and facilitate marine scientific
research conducted in accordance with this Convention beyond their territorial
sea and, as appropriate, to facilitate, subject to the provisions of their
laws and regulations, access to their harbours and promote assistance for
marine scientific research vessels which comply with the relevant provisions
of this Part.
Article 256
Marine scientific research in the Area
All States, irrespective of their geographical
location, and competent international organizations have the right, in
conformity with the provisions of Part Xl, to conduct marine scientific
research in the Area.
Article 257 Marine scientific research
in the water column beyond the exclusive economic zone
All States irrespective of their geographical
location, and competent international organizations have the right, in
conformity with this Convention, to conduct marine scientific research
in the water column beyond the limits of the exclusive economic zone.
Article 258
Deployment and use
The deployment and use of any type of
scientific research installations or equipment in any area of the marine
environment shall be subject to the same conditions as are prescribed in
this Convention for the conduct of marine scientific research in any such
Article 259
Legal status
The installations or equipment referred
to in this section do not possess the status of islands. They have no territorial
sea of their own, and their presence does not affect the delimitation of
the territorial sea, the exclusive economic zone or the continental shelf.
Article 260
Safety zones
Safety zones of a reasonable breadth
not exceeding a distance of 500 metres may be created around scientific
research installations in accordance with the relevant provisions of this
Convention. All States shall ensure that such safety zones are respected
by their vessels.
Article 261
Non-interference with shipping routes
The deployment and use of any type of
scientific research installations or equipment shall not constitute an
obstacle to established international shipping routes.
Article 262
Identification markings and warning
Installations or equipment referred
to in this section shall bear identification markings indicating the State
of registry or the international organization to which they belong and
shall have adequate internationally agreed warning signals to ensure safety
at sea and the safety of air navigation, taking into account rules and
standards established by competent international organizations.
Article 263
Responsibility and liability
1. States and competent international
organizations shall be responsible for ensuring that marine scientific
research, whether undertaken by them or on their behalf, is conducted in
accordance with this Convention.
2. States and competent international
organizations shall be responsible and liable for the measures they take
in contravention of this Convention in respect of marine scientific research
conducted by other States, their natural or juridical persons or by competent
international organizations, and shall provide compensation for damage
resulting from such measures.
3. States and competent international
organizations shall be responsible and liable pursuant to article 235 for
damage caused by pollution of the marine environment arising out of marine
scientific research undertaken by them or on their behalf.
Article 264
Settlement of disputes
Disputes concerning the interpretation
or application of the provisions of this Convention with regard to marine
scientific research shall be settled in accordance with Part XV, sections
2 and 3.
Article 265
Interim measures
Pending settlement of a dispute in accordance
with Part XV, sections 2 and 3, the State or competent international organization
authorized to conduct a marine scientific research project shall not allow
research activities to commence or continue without the express consent
of the coastal State concerned.
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