to UNCLOS Table of Contents
Article 133. Use of terms
For the purposes of this Part:
(a) 'resources' means all solid, liquid
or gaseous mineral resources in situ in the Area at or beneath the
sea-bed, including polymetallic nodules;
(b) resources, when recovered from the
Area, are referred to as 'minerals'.
Article 134. Scope of this Part
1. This Part applies to the Area.
2. Activities in the Area shall be governed
by the provisions of this Part.
3. The requirements concerning deposit
of, and publicity to be given to, the charts or lists of geographical
co-ordinates showing the limits referred to in article l, paragraph
1, are set forth in Part VI.
4. Nothing in this article affects the
establishment of the outer limits of the continental shelf in accordance
with Part VI or the validity of agreements relating to delimitation
between States with opposite or adjacent coasts.
Article 135. Legal status of the superjacent
waters and airspace
Neither this Part nor any rights granted
or exercised pursuant thereto shall affect the legal status of the
waters superjacent to the Area or that of the air space above those
Article 136. Common heritage of mankind
The Area and its resources are the common
heritage of mankind.
Article l37. Legal status o f the Area
and its resources
1. No State shall claim or exercise
sovereignty or sovereign rights over any part of the Area or its
resources, nor shall any State or natural or juridical person appropriate
any part thereof. No such claim or exercise of sovereignty or sovereign
rights, nor such appro priation shall be recognized.
2. All rights in the resources of the
Area are vested in mankind as a whole, on whose behalf the Authority
shall act. These resources are not subject to alienation. The minerals
recovered from the Area, however, may only be alienated in accordance
with this Part and the rules, regulations and procedures of the Authority.
3. No State or natural or juridical
person shall claim, acquire or exercise rights with respect to the
minerals recovered from the Area except in accordance with this Part.
Otherwise, no such claim, acquisition or exercise of such rights
shall be recognized.
Article 138. General conduct of States
in relation to the Area
The general conduct of States in relation
to the Area shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Part,
the principles embodied in the Charter of the United Nations and
other rules of international law in the interests of maintaining
peace and security and promoting international co-operation and mutual
Article 139. Responsibility to ensure
compliance and liability for damage
1. States Parties shall have the responsibility
to ensure that activities in the Area, whether carried out by States
Parties, or state enterprises or natural or juridical persons which
possess the nationality of States Parties or are effectively controlled
by them or their nationals, shall be carried out in conformity with
this Part. The same responsibility applies to international organizations
for activities in the Area carried out by such organizations.
2. Without prejudice to the rules of
international law and Annex III, article 22, damage caused by the
failure of a State Party or inter national organization to carry
out its responsibilities under this Part shall entail liability;
States Parties or international organizations acting together shall
bear joint and several liability. A State Party shall not however
be liable for damage caused by any failure to comply with this Part
by a person whom it has sponsored under article 153, paragraph 2
(b), if the State Party has taken all necessary and appropriate measures
to secure effective compliance under article l53, paragraph 4, and
Annex III, article 4, paragraph 4.
3. States Parties that are members of
international organizations shall take appropriate measures to ensure
the implementation of this article with respect to such organizations.
Article 140. Benefit of mankind
1. Activities in the Area shall, as
specifically provided for in this Part, be carried out for the benefit
of mankind as a whole, irres pective of the geographical location
of States, whether coastal or land-locked, and taking into particular
consideration the interests and needs of developing States and of
peoples who have not attained full independence or other self-governing
status recognized by the United Nations in accordance with General
Assembly resolution 15 14 (XV) and other relevant General Assembly
2. The Authority shall provide for the
equitable sharing of financial and other economic benefits derived
from activities in the Area through any appropriate mechanism, on
a non-discriminatory basis, in accordance with article 160, paragraph
2 (f ) (i).
Article 141. Use o f the Area exclusively
for peaceful purposes
The Area shall be open to use exclusively
for peaceful purposes by all States, whether coastal or land-locked,
without discrimination and without prejudice to the other provisions
of this Part.
Article 142. Rights and legitimate interests
of coastal States
1. Activities in the Area, with respect
to resource deposits in the Area which lie across limits of national
jurisdiction, shall be con ducted with due regard to the rights and
legitimate interests of any coastal State across whose jurisdiction
such deposits lie.
2. Consultations, including a system
of prior notification, shall be maintained with the State concerned,
with a view to avoiding in fringement of such rights and interests.
In cases where activities in the Area may result in the exploitation
of resources lying within national jurisdiction, the prior consent
of the coastal State concerned shall be required.
3. Neither this Part nor any rights
granted or exercised pursuant thereto shall affect the rights of
coastal States to take such measures consistent with the relevant
provisions of Part XII as may be necessary to prevent, mitigate or
eliminate grave and imminent danger to their coastline, or related
interests from pollution or threat thereof or from other hazardous
occurrences resulting from or caused by any activities in the Area.
Article 143. Marine scientific research
1. Marine scientific research in the
Area shall be carried out ex clusively for peaceful purposes and
for the benefit of mankind as a whole, in accordance with Part XIII.
2. The Authority may carry out marine
scientific research concerning the Area and its resources, and may
enter into contracts for that purpose. The Authority shall promote
and encourage the conduct of marine scientific research in the Area,
and shall co-ordinate and disseminate the results of such research
and analysis when available.
3. States Parties may carry out marine
scientific research in the Area. States Parties shall promote international
co-operation in marine scientific research in the Area by:
(a) participating in international programmes
and encouraging co-operation in marine scientific research by personnel
of different countries and of the Authority;
(b) ensuring that programmes are developed
through the Authority or other international organizations as appropriate
for the benefit of developing States and technologically less developed
States with a view to:
(i) strengthening their research capabilities;
(ii) training their personnel and the
personnel of the Authority in the techniques and applications of research;
(iii) fostering the employment of their
qualified personnel in research in the Area;
(c) effectively disseminating the results
of research and analysis when available, through the Authority or
other international channels when appropriate.
Article 144. Transfer of technology
1. The Authority shall take measures
in accordance with this Con vention:
(a) to acquire technology and scientific
knowledge relating to activities in the Area; and
(b) to promote and encourage the transfer
to developing States of such technology and scientific knowledge
so that all States Parties benefit therefrom.
2. To this end the Authority and States
Parties shall co-operate in promoting the transfer of technology
and scientific knowledge relating to activities in the Area so that
the Enterprise and all States Parties may benefit therefrom. In particular
they shall initiate and promote:
(a) programmes for the transfer of technology
to the Enterprise and to developing States with regard to activities
in the Area, including, inter alia, facilitating the access of the
Enterprise and of developing States to the relevant technology, under
fair and reasonable terms and conditions;
(b) measures directed towards the advancement
of the technology of the Enterprise and the domestic technology of
developing States, particularly by providing opportunities to personnel
from the Enterprise and from developing States for training in marine
science and technology and for their full participation in activities
in the Area.
Article 145. Protection of the marine
Necessary measures shall be taken in
accordance with this Convention with respect to activities in the
Area to ensure effective protection for the marine environment from
harmful effects which may arise from such activities. To this end
the Authority shall adopt appropriate rules, regulations and procedures
for inter alia:
(a) the prevention, reduction and control
of pollution and other hazards to the marine environment, including
the coastline, and of interference with the ecological balance of
the marine environment, particular attention being paid to the need
for protection from harmful effects of such activities as drilling,
dredging, excavation, disposal of waste, construction and operation
or maintenance of installations, pipelines and other devices related
to such activities;
(b) the protection and conservation of the
natural resources of the Area and the prevention of damage to the
flora and fauna of the marine environment.
Article 146. Protection of human life
With respect to activities in the Area,
necessary measures shall be taken to ensure effective protection
of human life. To this end the Authority shall adopt appropriate
rules, regulations and procedures to supplement existing international
law as embodied in relevant treaties.
Article 147. Accommodation of activities
in the Area and in the marine environment
1. Activities in the Area shall be carried
out with reasonable regard for other activities in the marine environment.
2. Installations used for carrying out
activities in the Area shall be subject to the following conditions:
(a) such installations shall be erected,
emplaced and removed solely in accordance with this Part and subject
to the rules, regulations and procedures of the Authority. Due notice
must be given of the erection, emplacement and removal of such installations,
and permanent means for giving warning of their presence must be
(b) such installations may not be established
where interference may be caused to the use of recognized sea lanes
essential to international navigation or in areas of intense fishing
(c) safety zones shall be established
around such installations with appropriate markings to ensure the
safety of both navigation and the installations. The configuration
and location of such safety zones shall not be such as to form a
belt impeding the lawful access of shipping to particular maritime
zones or navigation along international sea lanes;
(d) such installations shall be used
exclusively for peaceful purposes;
(e) such installations do not possess
the status of islands. They have no territorial sea of their own,
and their presence does not affect the delimitation of the territorial
sea, the exclusive economic zone or the continental shelf.
.3. Other activities in the maritime
environment shall be conducted with reasonable regard for activities
in the Area.
Article 148. Participation of developing
States in activities in the Area
The effective participation of developing
States in activities in the Area shall be promoted as specifically
provided for in this Part, having due regard to their special interests
and needs, and in par ticular to the special need of the land-locked
and geographically disadvantaged among them to overcome obstacles
arising from their disadvantaged location, including remoteness from
the Area and difficulty of access to and from it.
Article 149. Archaeological and historical
All objects of an archaeological and
historical nature found in the Area shall be preserved or disposed
of for the benefit of mankind as a whole, particular regard being
paid to the preferential rights of the State or country of origin,
or the State of cultural origin, or the State of historical and archaeological
Article 150
Policies relating to activities in the Area
Activities in the Area shall, as specifically
provided for in this Part, be carried out in such a manner as to foster
healthy development of the world economy and balanced growth of international
trade, and to promote international cooperation for the over-all development
of all countries, especially developing States, and with a view to ensuring:
(a) the development of the resources
of the Area;
(b) orderly, safe and rational management
of the resources of the Area, including the efficient conduct of activities
in the Area and, in accordance with sound principles of conservation, the
avoidance of unnecessary waste;
(c) the expansion of opportunities for
participation in such activities consistent in particular with articles
144 and 148;
(d) participation in revenues by the
Authority and the transfer of technology to the Enterprise and developing
States as provided for in this Convention;
(e) increased availability of the minerals
derived from the Area as needed in conjunction with minerals derived from
other sources, to ensure supplies to consumers of such minerals;
(f) the promotion of just and stable
prices remunerative to producers and fair to consumers for minerals derived
both from the Area and from other sources, and the promotion of long-term
equilibrium between supply and demand;
(g) the enhancement of opportunities
for all States Parties, irrespective of their social and economic systems
or geographical location, to participate in the development of the resources
of the Area and the prevention of monopolization of activities in the Area;
(h) the protection of developing countries
from adverse effects on their economies or on their export earnings resulting
from a reduction in the price of an affected mineral, or in the volume
of exports of that mineral, to the extent that such reduction is caused
by activities in he Area, as provided in article 151;
(i) the development of the common heritage
for the benefit of mankind as a whole; and
(j) conditions of access to markets
for the imports of minerals produced from the resources of the Area and
for imports of commodities produced from such minerals shall not be more
favourable than the most favourable applied to imports from other sources.
Article 151
Production policies
1. (a) Without prejudice to the objectives
set forth in article 150 and for the purpose of implementing subparagraph
(h) of that article, the Authority, acting through existing forums or such
new arrangements or agreements as may be appropriate, in which all interested
parties, including both producers and consumers, participate, shall take
measures necessary to promote the growth, efficiency and stability of markets
for those commodities produced from the minerals derived from the Area,
at prices remunerative to producers and fair to consumers. All States Parties
shall co-operate to this end.
(b) The Authority shall have the right
to participate in any commodity conference dealing with those commodities
and in which all interested parties including both producers and consumers
participate. The Authority shall have the right to become a party to any
arrangement or agreement resulting from such conferences. Participation
of the Authority in any organs established under those arrangements or
agreements shall be in respect of production in the Area and in accordance
with the relevant rules of those organs.
(c) The Authority shall carry out its
obligations under the arrangements or agreements referred to in this paragraph
in a manner which assures a uniform and non-discriminatory implementation
in respect of all production in the Area of the minerals concerned. In
doing so, the Authority shall act in a manner consistent with the terms
of existing contracts and approved plans of work of the Enterprise.
2. (a) During the interim period specified
in paragraph 3, commercial production shall not be undertaken pursuant
to an approved plan of work until the operator has applied for and has
been issued a production authorization by the Authority. Such production
authorizations may not be applied for or issued more than five years prior
to the planned commencement of commercial production under the plan of
work unless, having regard to the nature and timing of project development,
the rules, regulations and procedures of the Authority prescribe another
(b) In the application for the production
authorization, the operator shall specify the annual quantity of nickel
expected to be recovered under the approved plan of work. The application
shall include a schedule of expenditures to be made by the operator after
he has received the authorization which are reasonably calculated to allow
him to begin commercial production on the date planned.
(c) For the purposes of subparagraphs
(a) and (b), the Authority shall establish appropriate performance requirements
in accordance with Annex III, article 17.
(d) The Authority shall issue a production
authorization for the level of production applied for unless the sum of
that level and the levels already authorized exceeds the nickel production
ceiling, as calculated pursuant to paragraph 4 in the year of issuance
of the authorization, during any year of planned production falling within
the interim period.
(e) When issued, the production authorization
and approved application shall become a part of the approved plan of work.
(f) If the operator's application for
a production authorization is denied pursuant to subparagraph (d), the
operator may apply again to the Authority at any time.
3. The interim period shall begin five
years prior to 1 January of the year in which the earliest commercial production
is planned to commence under an approved plan of work. If the earliest
commercial production is delayed beyond the year originally planned, the
beginning of the interim period and the production ceiling originally calculated
shall be adjusted accordingly. The interim period shall last 25 years or
until the end of the Review Conference referred to in
article 155 or until the day when such
new arrangements or agreements as are referred to in paragraph 1 enter
into force, whichever is earliest. The Authority shall resume the power
provided in this article for the remainder of the interim period if the
said arrangements or agreements should lapse or become ineffective for
any reason whatsoever.
4. (a) The production ceiling for any
year of the interim period shall be the sum of:
(i) the difference between the trend
line values for nickel consumption, as calculated pursuant to subparagraph
(b), for the year immediately prior to the year of the earliest commercial
production and the year immediately prior to the commencement of the interim
period; and
(ii) sixty per cent of the difference
between the trend line values for nickel consumption, as calculated pursuant
to subparagraph (b), for the year for which the production authorization
is being applied for and the year immediately prior to the year of the
earliest commercial production .
(b) For the purposes of subparagraph
(i) trend line values used for computing
the nickel production ceiling shall be those annual nickel consumption
values on a trend line computed during the year in which a production authorization
is issued. The trend line shall be derived from a linear regression of
the logarithms of actual nickel consumption for the most recent 15 year
period for which such data are available, time being the independent variable.
This trend line shall be referred to as the original trend line;
(ii) if the annual rate of increase
of the original trend line is less than 3 per cent, then the trend line
used to determine the quantities referred to in subparagraph (a) shall
instead be one passing through the original trend line at the value for
the first year of the relevant 15-year period, and increasing at 3 per
cent annually; provided however that the production ceiling established
for any year of the interim period may not in any case exceed the difference
between the original trend line value for that year and the original trend
line value for the year immediately prior to the commencement of the interim
5. The Authority shall reserve to the
Enterprise for its initial production a quantity of 38,000 metric tonnes
of nickel from the available production ceiling calculated pursuant to
paragraph 4.
6. (a) An operator may in any year produce
less than or up to 8 per cent more than the level of annual production
of minerals from polymetallic nodules specified in his production authorization,
provided that the over-all amount of production shall not exceed that specified
in the authorization. Any excess over 8 per cent and up to 20 per cent
in any year, or any excess in the first and subsequent years following
two consecutive years in which excesses occur, shall be negotiated with
the Authority, which may require the operator to obtain a supplementary
production authorization to cover additional production.
(b) Applications for such supplementary
production authorizations shall be considered by the Authority only after
all pending applications by operators who have not yet received production
authorizations have been acted upon and due account has been taken of other
likely applicants. The Authority shall be guided by the principle of not
exceeding the total production allowed under the production ceiling in
any year of the interim period. It shall not authorize the production under
any plan of work of a quantity in excess of 46,500 metric tonnes of nickel
per year.
7. The levels of production of other
metals such as copper, cobalt and manganese extracted from the polymetallic
nodules that are recovered pursuant to a production authorization should
not be higher than those which would have been produced had the operator
produced the maximum level of nickel from those nodules pursuant to this
article. The Authority shall establish rules, regulations and procedures
pursuant to Annex III, article 17, to Implement this paragraph.
8. Rights and obligations relating to
unfair economic practices under relevant muitilateral trade agreements
shall apply to the exploration for and exploitation of minerals from the
Area. In the settlement of disputes arising under this provision, States
Parties which are Parties to such multilateral trade agreements shall have
recourse to the dispute settlement procedures of such agreements.
9. The Authority shall have the power
to limit the level of production of minerals from the Area, other than
minerals from polymetallic nodules, under such conditions and applying
such methods as may be appropriate by adopting regulations in accordance
with article 161, paragraph 8.
10. Upon the recommendation of the Council
on the basis of advice from the Economic Planning Commission, the Assembly
shall establish a system of compensation or take other measures of economic
adjustment assistance including co-operation with specialized agencies
and other international organizations to assist developing countries which
suffer serious adverse effects on their export earnings or economies resulting
from a reduction in the price of an affected mineral or in the volume of
exports of that mineral, to the extent that such reduction is caused by
activities in the Area. The Authority on request shall initiate studies
on the problems of those States which are likely to be most seriously affected
with a view to minimizing their difficulties and assisting them in their
economic adjustment.
Article 152
Exercise of powers and functions by
the Authority
1. The Authority shall avoid discrimination
in the exercise of its powers and functions, including the granting
of opportunities for activities in the Area.
2. Nevertheless, special consideration
for developing States, including particular consideration for the land-locked
and geographically disadvantaged among them, specifically provided for
in this Part shall be permitted.
Article 153
System of exploration and exploitation
1. Activities in the Area shall be organized,
carried out and controlled by the Authority on behalf of mankind as a whole
in accordance with this article as well as other relevant provisions of
this Part and the relevant Annexes, and the rules, regulations and procedures
of the Authority.
2. Activities in the Area shall be carried
out as prescribed in paragraph 3:
(a) by the Enterprise, and
(b) in association with the Authority
by States Parties, or state enterprises or natural or juridical persons
which possess the nationality of States Parties or are effectively controlled
by them or their nationals, when sponsored by such States, or any group
of the foregoing which meets the requirements provided in this Part and
in Annex III.
3. Activities in the Area shall be carried
out in accordance with a formal written plan of work drawn up in accordance
with Annex III and approved by the Council after review by the Legal and
Technical Commission. In the case of activities in the Area carried out
as authorized by the Authority by the entities specified in paragraph 2(b),
the plan of work shall, in accordance with Annex III, article 3, be in
the form of a contract. Such contracts may provide for joint arrangements
in accordance with Annex III, article 11.
4. The Authority shall exercise such
control over activities in the Area as is necessary for the purpose of
securing compliance with the relevant provisions of this Part and the Annexes
relating thereto, and the rules, regulations and procedures of the Authority,
and the plans of work approved in accordance with paragraph 3. States Parties
shall assist the Authority by taking all measures necessary to ensure such
compliance in accordance with article 139.
5. The Authority shall have the right
to take at any time any measures provided for under this Part to ensure
compliance with its provisions and the exercise of the functions of control
and regulation assigned to it thereunder or under any contract. The Authority
shall have the right to inspect all installations in the Area used in connection
with activities in the Area.
6. A contract under paragraph 3 shall
provide for security of tenure. Accordingly, the contract shall not be
revised, suspended or terminated except in accordance with Annex III, articles
18 and 19.
Article 154
Periodic review
Every five years from the entry into
force of this Convention, the Assembly shall undertake a general and systematic
review of the manner in which the international regime of the Area established
in this Convention has operated in practice. In the light of this review
the Assembly may take, or recommend that other organs take, measures in
accordance with the provisions and procedures of this Part and the Annexes
relating thereto which will lead to the improvement of the operation of
the regime.
Article 155
The Review Conference
1. Fifteen years from I January of the
year in which the earliest commercial production commences under an approved
plan of work, the Assembly shall convene a conference for the review of
those provisions of this Part and the relevant Annexes which govern the
system of exploration and exploitation of the resources of the Area. The
Review Conference shall consider in detail, in the light of the experience
acquired during that period:
(a) whether the provisions of this Part
which govern the system of exploration and exploitation of the resources
of the Area have achieved their aims in all respects, including whether
they have benefited mankind as a whole;
(b) whether, during the 15-year period,
reserved areas have been exploited in an effective and balanced manner
in comparison with non- reserved areas;
(c) whether the development and use
of the Area and its resources have been undertaken in such a manner as
to foster healthy development of the world economy and balanced growth
of international trade;
(d) whether monopolization of activities
in the Area has been prevented;
(e) whether the policies set forth in
articles 150 and 151 have been fulfilled; and
(f) whether the system has resulted
in the equitable sharing of benefits derived from activities in the Area,
taking into particular consideration the interests and needs of the developing
2. The Review Conference shall ensure
the maintenance of the principle of the common heritage of mankind, the
international regime designed to ensure equitable exploitation of the resources
of the Area for the benefit of all countries, especially the developing
States, and an Authority to organize, conduct and control activities in
the Area. It shall also ensure the maintenance of the principles laid down
in this Part with regard to the exclusion of claims or exercise of sovereignty
over any part of the Area, the rights of States and their general conduct
in relation to the Area, and their participation in activities in the Area
in conformity with this Convention, the prevention of monopolization of
activities in the Area, the use of the Area exclusively for peaceful purposes,
economic aspects of activities in the Area, marine scientific research,
transfer of technology, protection of the marine environment, protection
of human life, rights of coastal States, the legal status of the waters
superjacent to the Area and that of the air space above those waters and
accommodation between activities in the Area and other activities in the
marine environment.
3. The decision-making procedure applicable
at the Review Conference shall be the same as that applicable at the Third
United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea. The Conference shall make
every effort to reach agreement on any amendments by way of consensus and
there should be no voting on such matters until all efforts at achieving
consensus have been exhausted.
4. If, five years after its commencement,
the Review Conference has not reached agreement on the system of exploration
and exploitation of the resources of the Area, it may decide during the
ensuing 12 months, by a three fourths majority of the States Parties, to
adopt and submit to the States Parties for ratification or accession such
amendments changing or modifying the system as it determines necessary
and appropriate. Such amendments shall enter into force for all States
Parties 12 months after the deposit of instruments of ratification or accession
by three fourths of the States Parties.
5. Amendments adopted by the Review
Conference pursuant to this article shall not affect rights acquired under
existing contracts.
Article 156
Establishment of the Authority
1. There is hereby established the International
Sea-Bed Authority, which shall function in accordance with this Part.
2. All States Parties are ipso facto
members of the Authority.
3. Observers at the Third United Nations
Conference on the Law of the Sea who have signed the Final Act and who
are not referred to in article 305, paragraph 1 (c), (d), (e) or (f), shall
have the right to participate in the Authority as observers, in accordance
with its rules, regulations and procedures.
4. The seat of the Authority shall be
in Jamaica.
5. The Authority may establish such
regional centres or offices as it deems necessary for the exercise of its
Article 157
Nature and fundamental principles of
the Authority
1. The Authority is the organization
through which States Parties shall, in accordance with this Part, organize
and control activities in the Area, particularly with a view to administering
the resources of the Area.
2. The powers and functions of the Authority
shall be those expressly conferred upon it by this Convention. The Authority
shall have such incidental powers, consistent with this Convention, as
are implicit in and necessary for the exercise of those powers and functions
with respect to activities in the Area.
3. The Authority is based on the principle
of the sovereign equality of all its members.
4. All members of the Authority shall
fulfil in good faith the obligations assumed by them in accordance with
this Part in order to ensure to all of them the rights and benefits resulting
Article 158
Organs of the Authority
1. There are hereby established, as
the principal organs of the Authority, an Assembly, a Council and a Secretariat.
2. There is hereby established the Enterprise,
the organ through which the Authority shall carry out the functions referred
to in article 170, paragraph 1.
3. Such subsidiary organs as may be
found necessary may be established in accordance with this Part.
4. Each principal organ of the Authority
and the Enterprise shall be responsible for exercising those powers and
functions which are conferred upon it. In exercising such powers and functions
each organ shall avoid taking any action which may derogate from or impede
the exercise of specific powers and functions conferred upon anotheir organ.
Article 159
Composition, procedure and voting
1. The Assembly shall consist of all
the members of the Authority. Each member shall have one representative
in the Assembly, who may be accompanied by alternates and advisers.
2. The Assembly shall meet in regular
annual sessions and in such special sessions as may be decided by the Assembly,
or convened by the SecretaryGeneral at the request of the Council or of
a majority of the members of the Authority.
3. Sessions shall take place at the
seat of the Authority unless otherwise decided by the Assembly.
4. The Assembly shall adopt its rules
of procedure. At the beginning of each regular session, it shall elect
its President and such other officers as may be required. They shall hold
office until a new President and other officers are elected at the next
regular session.
5. A majority of the members of the
Assembly shall constitute a quorum.
6. Each member of the Assembly shall
have one vote.
7. Decisions on questions of procedure,
including decisions to convene special sessions of the Assembly, shall
be taken by a majority of the members present and voting.
8. Decisions on questions of substance
shall be taken by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting,
provided that such majority includes a majority of the members participating
in the session. When the issue arises as to whether a question is one of
substance or not, that question shall be treated as one of substance unless
otherwise decided by the Assembly by the majority required for decisions
on questions of substance.
9. When a question of substance comes
up for voting for the first time, the President may, and shall, if requested
by at least one fifth of the members of the Assembly, defer the issue of
taking a vote on that question for a period not exceeding five calendar
days. This rule may be applied only once to any question, and shall not
be applied so as to defer the question beyond the end of the session.
10. Upon a written request addressed
to the President and sponsored by at least one fourth of the members of
the Authority for an advisory opinion on the conformity with this Convention
of a proposal before the Assembly on any matter, the Assembly shall request
the Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber of the International Tribunal for the Law
of the Sea to give an advisory opinion thereon and shall defer voting on
that proposal pending receipt of the advisory opinion by the Chamber. If
the advisory opinion is not received before the final week of the session
in which it is requested, the Assembly shall decide when it will meet to
vote upon the deferred proposal.
Article l60
Powers and functions
1. The Assembly, as the sole organ of
the Authority consisting of all the members, shall be considered the supreme
organ of the Authority to which the other principal organs shall be accountable
as specifically provided for in this Convention. The Assembly shall have
the power to establish general policies in conformity with the relevant
provisions of this Convention on any question or matter within the competence
of the Authority.
2. In addition, the powers and functions
of the Assembly shall be:
(a) to elect the members of the Council
in accordance with article 161;
(b) to elect the Secretary-General from
among the candidates proposed by the Council;
(c) to elect, upon the recommendation
of the Council, the members of the Governing Board of the Enterprise and
the Director-General of the Enterprise;
(d) to establish such subsidiary organs
as it finds necessary for the exercise of its functions in accordance with
this Part. In the composition of these subsidiary organs due account shall
be taken of the principle of equitable geographical distribution and of
special interests and the need for members qualified and competent in the
relevant technical questions dealt with by such organs;
(e) to assess the contributions of members
to the administrative budget of the Authority in accordance with an agreed
scale of assessment based upon the scale used for the regular budget of
the United Nations until the Authority shall have sufficient income from
other sources to meet its administrative expenses;
(f) (i) to consider and approve, upon
the recommendation of the Council, the rules, regulations and procedures
on the equitable sharing of financial and other economic benefits derived
from activities in the Area and the payments and contributions made pursuant
to article 82, taking into particular consideration the interests and needs
of developing States and peoples who have not attained full independence
or other self-governing status. If the Assembly does not approve the recommendations
of the Council, the Assembly shall return them to the Council for reconsideration
in the light of the views expressed by the Assembly;
(ii) to consider and approve the rules,
regulations and procedures of the Authority, and any amendments thereto,
provisionally adopted by the Council pursuant to article 162, paragraph
2 (o) (ii) . These rules, regulations and procedures shall relate to prospecting,
exploration and exploitation in the Area, the financial management and
internal administration of the Authority, and, upon the recommendation
of the Governing Board of the Enterprise, to the transfer of funds from
the Enterprise to the Authority;
(g) to decide upon the equitable sharing
of financial and other economic benefits derived from activities in the
Area, consistent with this Convention and the rules, regulations and procedures
of the Authority;
(h) to consider and approve the proposed
annual budget of the Authority submitted by the Council;
(i) to examine periodic reports from
the Council and from the Enterprise and special reports requested from
the Council or any other organ of the Authority;
(j) to initiate studies and make recommendations
for the purpose of promoting international co-operation concerning activities
in the Area and encouraging the progressive development of international
law relating thereto and its codification;
(k) to consider problems of a general
nature in connection with activities in the Area arising in particular
for developing States, as well as those problems for States in connection
with activities in the Area that are due to their geographical location,
particularly for land-locked and geographically disadvantaged States;
(l) to establish, upon the recommendation
of the Council, on the basis of advice from the Economic Planning Commission,
a system of compensation or other measures of economic adjustment assistance
as provided in article 151, paragraph 10;
(m) to suspend the exercise of rights
and privileges of membership pursuant to article 185;
(n) to discuss any question or matter
within the competence of the Authority and to decide as to which organ
of the Authority shall deal with any such question or matter not specifically
entrusted to a particular organ, consistent with the distribution of powers
and functions among the organs of the Authority.
Article 161
Composition, procedure and voting
1. The Council shall consist of 36 members
of the Authority elected by the Assembly in the following order:
(a) four members from among those States
Parties which, during the last five years for which statistics are available,
have either consumed more than 2 per cent of total world consumption or
have had net imports of more than 2 per cent of total world imports of
the commodities produced from the categories of minerals to be derived
from the Area, and in any case one State from the Eastern European (Socialist)
region, as well as the largest consumer;
(b) four members from among the eight
States Parties which have the largest investments in preparation for and
in the conduct of activities in the Area, either directly or through their
nationals, including at least one State from the Eastern European (Socialist)
(c) four members from among States Parties
which on the basis of production in areas under their jurisdiction are
major net exporters of the categories of minerals to be derived from the
Area, including at least two developing States whose exports of such minerals
have a substantial bearing upon their economies;
(d) six members from among developing
States Parties, representing special interests. The special interests to
be represented shall include those of States with large populations, States
which are land-locked or geographically disadvantaged, States which are
major importers of the categories of minerals to be derived from the Area,
States which are potential producers of such minerals, and least developed
(e) eighteen members elected according
to the principle of ensuring an equitable geographical distribution of
seats in the Council as a whole, provided that each geographical region
shall have at least one member elected under this subparagraph. For this
purpose, the geographical regions shall be Africa, Asia, Eastern European
(Socialist), Latin America and Western European and Others.
2. In electing the members of the Council
in accordance with paragraph 1, the Assembly shall ensure that:
(a) land-locked and geographically disadvantaged
States are represented to a degree which is reasonably proportionate to
their representation in the Assembly;
(b) coastal States, especially developing
States, which do not qualify under paragraph I (a), (b), (c) or (d) are
represented to a degree which is reasonably proportionate to their representation
in the Assembly;
(c) each group of States Parties to
be represented on the Council is represented by those members, if any,
which are nominated by that group.
3. Elections shall take place at regular
sessions of the Assembly. Each member of the Council shall be elected for
four years. At the first election, however, the term of one half of the
members of each group referred to in paragraph I shall be two years.
4. Members of the Council shall be eligible
for re-election, but due regard should be paid to the desirability of rotation
of membership.
5. The Council shall function at the
seat of the Authority, and shall meet as often as the business of the Authority
may require, but not less than three times a year.
6. A majority of the members of the
Council shall constitute a quorum.
7. Each member of the Council shall
have one vote.
8. (a) Decisions on questions of procedure
shall be taken by a majority of the members present and voting.
(b) Decisions on questions of substance
arising under the following provisions shall be taken by a two-thirds majority
of the members present and voting, provided that such majority includes
a majority of the members of the Council: article 162, paragraph 2, subparagraphs
(f); (g); (h); (i); (n); (p); (v); article 191.
(c) Decisions on questions of substance
arising under the following provisions shall be taken by a three-fourths
majority of the members present and voting, provided that such majority
includes a majority of the members of the Council: article 162, paragraph
1; article 162, paragraph 2, subparagraphs (a); (b); (c); (d); (e); (l);
(q); (r); (s); (t); (u) in cases of non-compliance by a contractor or a
sponsor; (w) provided that orders issued thereunder may be binding for
not more than 30 days unless confirmed by a decision taken in accordance
with subparagraph (d); article 162, paragraph 2, subparagraphs (x); (y);
(z); article 163, paragraph 2; article 174, paragraph 3, Annex IV, article
(d) Decisions on questions of substance
arising under the following provisions shall be taken by consensus: article
162, paragraph 2(m) and (o); adoption of amendments to Part XI.
(e) For the purposes of subparagraphs
(d), (f) and (g), "consensus" means the absence of any formal objection.
Within 14 days of the submission of a proposal to the Council, the President
of the Council shall determine whether there would be a formal objection
to the adoption of the proposal. If the President determines that there
would be such an objection, the President shall establish and convene,
within three days following such determination, a conciliation committee
consisting of not more than nine members of the Council, with the President
as chairman, for the purpose of reconciling the differences and producing
a proposal which can be adopted by consensus. The committee shall work
expeditiously and report to the Council within 14 days following its establishment.
If the committee is unable to recommend a proposal which can be adopted
by consensus, it shall set out in its report the grounds on which the proposal
is being opposed.
(f) Decisions on questions not listed
above which the Council is authorized to take by the rules, regulations
and procedures of the Authority or otherwise shall be taken pursuant to
the subparagraphs of this paragraph specified in the rules, regulations
and procedures or, if not specified therein, then pursuant to the subparagraph
determined by the Council if possible in advance, by consensus.
(g) When the issue arises as to whether
a question is within subparagraph (a), (b), (c) or (d), the question shall
be treated as being within the sub-paragraph requiring the higher or highest
majority or consensus as the case may be, unless otherwise decided by the
Council by the said majority or by consensus.
9. The Council shall establish a procedure
whereby a member of the Authority not represented on the Council may send
a representative to attend a meeting of the Council when a request is made
by such member, or a matter particularly affecting it is under consideration.
Such a representative shall be entitled to participate in the deliberations
but not to vote.
Article 162
Powers and functions
1. The Council is the executive organ
of the Authority. The Council shall have the power to establish, in conformity
with this Convention and the general policies established by the Assembly,
the specific policies to be pursued by the Authority on any question or
matter within the competence of the Authority.
2. In addition, the Council shall:
(a) supervise and co-ordinate the implementation
of the provisions of this Part on all questions and matters within the
competence of the Authority and invite the attention of the Assembly to
cases of non-compliance;
(b) propose to the Assembly a list of
candidates for the election of the Secretary-General;
(c) recommend to the Assembly candidates
for the election of the members of the Governing Board of the Enterprise
and the Director-General of the Enterprise;
(d) establish, as appropriate, and with
due regard to economy and efficiency, such subsidiary organs as it finds
necessary for the exercise of its functions in accordance with this Part.
In the composition of subsidiary organs, emphasis shall be placed on the
need for members qualified and competent in relevant technical matters
dealt with by those organs provided that due account shall be taken of
the principle of equitable geographical distribution and of special interests;
(e) adopt its rules of procedure including
the method of selecting its
(f) enter into agreements with the United
Nations or other international organizations on behalf of the Authority
and within its competence, subject to approval by the Assembly;
(g) consider the reports of the Enterprise
and transmit them to the Assembly with its recommendations;
(h) present to the Assembly annual reports
and such special reports as the Assembly may request;
(i) issue directives to the Enterprise
in accordance with article 170;
(j) approve plans of work in accordance
with Annex III, article 6. The Council shall act upon each plan of work
within 60 days of its submission by the Legal and Technical Commission
at a session of the Council in accordance with the following procedures:
(i) if the Commission recommends the
approval of a plan of work, it shall be deemed to have been approved by
the Council if no member of the Council submits in writing to the President
within 14 days a specific objection alleging non-compliance with the requirements
of Annex III, article 6. If there is an objection, the conciliation procedure
set forth in article 161, paragraph 8(e), shall apply. If, at the end of
the conciliation procedure, the objection is still maintained, the plan
of work shall be deemed to have been approved by the Council unless the
Council disapproves it by consensus among its members excluding any State
or States making the application or sponsoring the applicant;
(ii) if the Commission recommends the
disapproval of a plan of work or does not make a recommendation, the Council
may approve the plan of work by a three-fourths majority of the members
present and voting, provided that such majority includes a majority of
the members participating in the session;
(k) approve plans of work submitted
by the Enterprise in accordance with Annex IV, article 12, applying, mutatis
mutandis, the procedures set forth in subparagraph (j);
(l) exercise control over activities
in the Area in accordance with article 153, paragraph 4, and the rules,
regulations and procedures of the Authority;
(m) take, upon the recommendation of
the Economic Planning Commission, necessary and appropriate measures in
accordance with article 150, sub-paragraph (h), to provide protection from
the adverse economic effects specified therein;
(n) make recommendations to the Assembly,
on the basis of advice from the Economic Planning Commission, for a system
of compensation or other measures of economic adjustment assistance as
provided in article 151, paragraph 10;
(o) (i) recommend to the Assembly rules,
regulations and procedures on the equitable sharing of financial and other
economic benefits derived from activities in the Area and the payments
and contributions made pursuant to article 82, taking into particular consideration
the interests and needs of the developing States and peoples who have not
attained full independence or other self-governing status;
(ii) adopt and apply provisionally,
pending approval by the Assembly, the rules, regulations and procedures
of the Authority, and any amendments thereto, taking into account the recommendations
of the Legal and Technical Commission or other subordinate organ concerned.
These rules, regulations and procedures shall relate to prospecting, exploration
and exploitation in the Area and the financial management and internal
administration of the Authority. Priority shall be given to the adoption
of rules, regulations and procedures for the exploration for and exploitation
of polymetallic nodules. Rules, regulations and procedures for the exploration
for and exploitation of any resource other than polymetallic nodules shall
be adopted within three years from the date of a request to the Authority
by any of its members to adopt such rules, regulations and procedures in
respect of such resource. All rules, regulations and procedures shall remain
in effect on a provisional basis until approved by the Assembly or until
amended by the Council in the light of any views expressed by the Assembly;
(p) review the collection of all payments
to be made by or to the Authority in connection with operations pursuant
to this Part;
(q) make the selection from among applicants
for production authorizations pursuant to Annex III, article 7, where such
selection is required by that provision
(r) submit the proposed annual budget
of the Authority to the Assembly for its approval;
(s) make recommendations to the Assembly
concerning policies on any question or matter within the competence of
the Authority;
(t) make recommendations to the Assembly
concerning suspension of the exercise of the rights and privileges of membership
pursuant to article l85;
(u) institute proceedings on behalf
of the Authority before the Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber in cases of non-compliance;
(v) notify the Assembly upon a decision
by the Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber in proceedings instituted under subparagraph
(u), and make any recommendations which it may find appropriate with respect
to measures to be taken;
(w) issue emergency orders, which may
include orders for the suspension or adjustment of operations, to prevent
serious harm to the marine environment arising out of activities in the
(x) disapprove areas for exploitation
by contractors or the Enterprise in cases where substantial evidence indicates
the risk of serious harm to the marine environment;
(y) establish a subsidiary organ for
the elaboration of draft financial rules, regulations and procedures relating
(i) financial management in accordance
with articles 171 to 175; and
(ii) financial arrangements in accordance
with Annex III article 13 and article 17, paragraph I (c);
(z) establish appropriate mechanisms
for directing and supervising a staff of inspectors who shall inspect activities
in the Area to determine whether this Part, the rules, regulations and
procedures of the Authority, and the terms and conditions of any contract
with the Authority are being complied with.
Article 163
Organs of the Council
1. There are hereby established the
following organs of the Council:
(a) an Economic Planning Commission;
(b) a Legal and Technical Commission.
2. Each Commission shall be composed
of 15 members, elected by the Council from among the candidates nominated
by the States Parties. However, if necessary, the Council may decide to
increase the size of either Commission having due regard to economy and
3. Members of a Commission shall have
appropriate qualifications in the area of competence of that Commission.
States Parties shall nominate candidates of the highest standards of competence
and integrity with qualifications in relevant fields so as to ensure the
effective exercise of the functions of the Commissions.
4. In the election of members of the
Commissions, due account shall be taken of the need for equitable geographical
distribution and the representation of special interests.
5. No State Party may nominate more
than one candidate for the same Commission. No person shall be elected
to serve on more than one Commission.
6. Members of the Commissions shall
hold office for a term of five years. They shall be eligible for re-election
for a further term.
7. In the event of the death, incapacity
or resignation of a member of a Commission prior to the expiration of the
term of office, the Council shall elect for the remainder of the term,
a member from the same geographical region or area of interest.
8. Members of Commissions shall have
no financial interest in any activity relating to exploration and exploitation
in the Area. Subject to their responsibilities to the Commissions upon
which they serve, they shall not disclose, even after the termination of
their functions, any industrial secret, proprietary data which are transferred
to the Authority in accordance with Annex III, article 14, or any other
confidential information coming to their knowledge by reason of their duties
for the Authority.
9. Each Commission shall exercise its
functions in accordance with such guidelines and directives as the Council
may adopt.
10. Each Commission shall formulate
and submit to the Council for approval such rules and regulations as may
be necessary for the efficient conduct of the Commission's functions.
11. The decision-making procedures of
the Commissions shall be established by the rules, regulations and procedures
of the Authority. Recommendations to the Council shall, where necessary,
be accompanied by a summary on the divergencies of opinion in the Commission.
12. Each Commission shall normally function
at the seat of the Authority and shall meet as often as is required for
the efficient exercise of its functions.
13. In the exercise of its functions,
each Commission may, where appropriate, consult another commission, any
competent organ of the United Nations or of its specialized agencies or
any international organizations with competence in the subject-matter of
such consultation.
Article l 64
The Economic Planning Commission
1. Members of the Economic Planning
Commission shall have appropriate qualifications such as those relevant
to mining, management of mineral resource activities, international trade
or international economics. The Council shall endeavour to ensure that
the membership of the Commission reflects all appropriate qualifications.
The Commission shall include at least two members from developing States
whose exports of the categories of minerals to be derived from the Area
have a substantial bearing upon their economies.
2. The Commission shall:
(a) propose, upon the request of the
Council, measures to implement decisions relating to activities in the
Area taken in accordance with this Convention;
(b) review the trends of and the factors
affecting supply, demand and prices of materials which may be derived from
the Area, bearing in mind the interests of both importing and exporting
countries, and in particular of the developing States among them;
(c) examine any situation likely to
lead to the adverse effects referred to in article 150, subparagraph (h),
brought to its attention by the State Party or States Parties concerned,
and make appropriate recommendations to the Council
(d) propose to the Council for submission
to the Assembly, as provided in article 151 paragraph 10, a system of compensation
or other measures of economic adjustment assistance for developing States
which suffer adverse effects caused by activities in the Area. The Commission
shall make the recommendations to the Council that are necessary for the
application of the system or other measures adopted by the Assembly in
specific cases.
Article 165
The Legal and Technical Commission
1. Members of the Legal and Technical
Commission shall have appropriate qualifications such as those relevant
to exploration for and exploitation and processing of mineral resources,
oceanology, protection of the marine environment, or economic or legal
matters relating to ocean mining and related fields of expertise. The Council
shall endeavour to ensure that the membership of the Commission reflects
all appropriate qualifications.
2. The Commission shall:
(a) make recommendations with regard
to the exercise of the Authority's functions upon the request of the Council;
(b) review formal written plans of work
for activities in the Area in accordance with article 153, paragraph 3,
and submit appropriate recommendations to the Council. The Commission shall
base its recommendations solely on the grounds stated in Annex III and
shall report fully thereon to the Council;
(c) supervise, upon the request of the
Council, activities in the Area, where appropriate, in consultation and
collaboration with any entity carrying out such activities or State or
States concerned and report to the Council;
(d) prepare assessments of the environmental
implications of activities in the Area;
(e) make recommendations to the Council
on the protection of the marine environment, taking into account the views
of recognized experts in that field;
(f) formulate and submit to the Council
the rules, regulations and procedures referred to in article 162, paragraph
2(o), taking into account all relevant factors including assessments of
the environmental implications of activities in the Area;
(g) keep such rules, regulations and
procedures under review and recommend to the Council from time to time
such amendments thereto as it may deem necessary or desirable;
(h) make recommendations to the Council
regarding the establishment of a monitoring programme to observe, measure,
evaluate and analyse, by recognized scientific methods, on a regular basis,
the risks or effects of pollution of the marine environment resulting from
activities in the Area, ensure that existing regulations are adequate and
are complied with and co-ordinate the implementation of the monitoring
programme approved by the Council;
(i) recommend to the Council that proceedings
be instituted on behalf of the Authority before the Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber,
in accordance with this Part and the relevant Annexes taking into account
particularly article 187;
(j) make recommendations to the Council
with respect to measures to be taken, upon a decision by the Sea-Bed Disputes
Chamber in proceedings instituted in accordance with subparagraph (i);
(k) make recommendations to the Council
to issue emergency orders, which may include orders for the suspension
or adjustment of operations, to prevent serious harm to the marine environment
arising out of activities in the Area. Such recommendations shall be taken
up by the Council on a priority basis;
(l) make recommendations to the Council
to disapprove areas for exploitation by contractors or the Enterprise in
cases where substantial evidence indicates the risk of serious harm to
the marine environment
(m) make recommendations to the Council
regarding the direction and supervision of a staff of inspectors who shall
inspect activities in the Area to determine whether the provisions of this
Part, the rules, regulations and procedures of the Authority, and the terms
and conditions of any contract with the Authority are being complied with;
(n) calculate the production ceiling
and issue production authorizations on behalf of the Authority pursuant
to article 151, paragraphs 2 to 7, following any necessary selection among
applicants for production authorizations by the Council in accordance with
Annex III, article 7.
3. The members of the Commission shall,
upon request by any State Party or other party concerned, be accompanied
by a representative of such State or other party concerned when carrying
out their function of supervision and inspection.
Article 166
The Secretariat
1. The Secretariat of the Authority
shall comprise a Secretary-General and such staff as the Authority may
2. The Secretary-General shall be elected
for four years by the Assembly from among the candidates proposed by the
Council and may be re-elected.
3. The Secretary-General shall be the
chief administrative officer of the Authority, and shall act in that capacity
in all meetings of the Assembly, of the Council and of any subsidiary organ,
and shall perform such other administrative functions as are entrusted
to the Secretary-General by these organs.
4. The Secretary-General shall make
an annual report to the Assembly on the work of the Authority.
Article 167
The staff of the Authority
1. The staff of the Authority shall
consist of such qualified scientific and technical and other personnel
as may be required to fulfil the administrative functions of the Authority.
2. The paramount consideration in the
recruitment and employment of the staff and in the determination of their
conditions of service shall be the necessity of securing the highest standards
of efficiency, competence and integrity. Subject to this consideration,
due regard shall be paid to the importance of recruiting the staff on as
wide a geographical basis as possible.
3. The staff shall be appointed by the
Secretary-General. The terms and conditions on which they shall be appointed,
remunerated and dismissed shall be in accordance with the rules, regulations
and procedures of the Authority.
Article 168
International character of the Secretariat
1. In the performance of their duties
the Secretary-General and the staff shall not seek or receive instructions
from any government or from any other source external to the Authority.
They shall refrain from any action which might reflect on their position
as international officials responsible only to the Authority. Each State
Party undertakes to respect the exclusively international character of
the responsibilities of the Secretary-General and the staff and not to
seek to influence them in the discharge of their responsibilities. Any
violation of responsibilities by a staff member shall be submitted to the
appropriate administrative tribunal as provided in the rules, regulations
and procedures of the Authority.
2. The Secretary-General and the staff
shall have no financial interest in any activity relating to exploration
and exploitation in the Area. Subject to their responsibilities to the
Authority, they shall not disclose, even after the termination of their
functions, any industrial secret, proprietary data which are transferred
to the Authority in accordance with Annex III, article 14, or any other
confidential information coming to their knowledge by reason of their employment
with the Authority.
3. Violations of the obligations of
a staff member of the Authority set forth in paragraph 2 shall, on the
request of a State Party affected by such violation, or a natural or juridical
person, sponsored by a State Party as provided in article 153, paragraph
2(b), and affected by such violation, be submitted by the Authority against
the staff member concerned to a tribunal designated by the rules, regulations
and procedures of the Authority. The Party affected shall have the right
to take part in the proceedings. If the tribunal so recommends, the Secretary-General
shall dismiss the staff member concerned.
4. The rules, regulations and procedures
of the Authority shall contain such provisions as are necessary to implement
this article.
Article 169
Consultation and co-operation with
international and non-governmental organizations
1. The Secretary-General shall, on matters
within the competence of the Authority, make suitable arrangements, with
the approval of the Council, for consultation and co-operation with international
and non-governmental organizations recognized by the Economic and Social
Council of the United Nations.
2. Any organization with which the Secretary-General
has entered into an arrangement under paragraph I may designate representatives
to attend meetings of the organs of the Authority as observers in accordance
with the rules of procedure of these organs. Procedures shall be established
for obtaining the views of such organizations in appropriate cases.
3. The Secretary-General may distribute
to States Parties written reports submitted by the non-governmental organizations
referred to in paragraph I on subjects in which they have special competence
and which are related to the work of the Authority.
Article 170
The Enterprise
1. The Enterprise shall be the organ
of the Authority which shall carry out activities in the Area directly,
pursuant to article 153, paragraph 2(a), as well as the transporting, processing
and marketing of minerals recovered from the Area.
2. The Enterprise shall, within the
framework of the international legal personality of the Authority, have
such legal capacity as is provided for in the Statute set forth in Annex
IV. The Enterprise shall act in accordance with this Convention and the
rules, regulations and procedures of the Authority, as well as the general
policies established by the Assembly, and shall be subject to the directives
and control of the Council.
3. The Enterprise shall have its principal
place of business at the seat of the Authority .
4. The Enterprise shall, in accordance
with article 173, paragraph 2, and Annex IV, article 11, be provided with
such funds as it may require to carry out its functions, and shall receive
technology as provided in article 144 and other relevant provisions of
this Convention.
Article 171
Funds of the Authority
The funds of the Authority shall include:
(a) assessed contributions made by members
of the Authority in accordance with article 160, paragraph 2(e);
(b) funds received by the Authority
pursuant to Annex III, article 13, in connection with activities in the
(c) funds transferred from the Enterprise
in accordance with Annex IV, article 10;
(d) funds borrowed pursuant to article
(e) voluntary contributions made by
members or other entities; and
(f) payments to a compensation fund,
in accordance with article 151, paragraph 10, whose sources are to be recommended
by the Economic Planning Commission.
Article 172
Annual budget of the Authority
The Secretary-General shall draft the
proposed annual budget of the Authority and submit it to the Council. The
Council shall consider the proposed annual budget and submit it to the
Assembly, together with any recommendations thereon. The Assembly shall
consider and approve the proposed annual budget in accordance with article
160, paragraph 2(h).
Article 173
Expenses of the Authority
1. The contributions referred to in
article 171, subparagraph (a), shall be paid into a special account to
meet the administrative expenses of the Authority until the Authority has
sufficient funds from other sources to meet those expenses.
2. The administrative expenses of the
Authority shall be a first call upon the funds of the Authority. Except
for the assessed contributions referred to in article 171, subparagraph
(a), the funds which remain after payment of administrative expenses may,
inter alia:
(a) be shared in accordance with article
140 and article 160, paragraph 2(g);
(b) be used to provide the Enterprise
with funds in accordance with article 170, paragraph 4;
(c) be used to compensate developing
States in accordance with article 151, paragraph 10, and article 160, paragraph
Article 174
Borrowing power of the Authority
1. The Authority shall have the power
to borrow funds.
2. The Assembly shall prescribe the
limits on the borrowing power of the Authority in the financial regulations
adopted pursuant to article 160, paragraph 2(f).
3. The Council shall exercise the borrowing
power of the Authority.
4. States Parties shall not be liable
for the debts of the Authority.
Article 175
Annual audit
The records, books and accounts of the
Authority, including its annual financial statements, shall be audited
annually by an independent auditor appointed by the Assembly.
Article 176
Legal status
The Authority shall have international
legal personality and such legal capacity as may be necessary for the exercise
of its functions and the fulfilment of its purposes.
Article 177
Privileges and immunities
To enable the Authority to exercise
its functions, it shall enjoy in the territory of each State Party the
privileges and immunities set forth in this subsection. The privileges
and immunities relating to the Enterprise shall be those set forth in Annex
IV, article 13.
Article 178
Immunity from legal process
The Authority, its property and assets,
shall enjoy immunity from legal process except to the extent that the Authority
expressly waives this immunity in a particular case.
Article 179
Immunity from search and any form of
The property and assets of the Authority,
wherever located and by whom so ever held, shall be immune from search,
requisition, confiscation, expropriation or any other form of seizure by
executive or legislative action.
Article 180
Exemption from restrictions, regulations,
controls and moratoria
The property and assets of the Authority
shall be exempt from restrictions, regulations, controls and moratoria
of any nature.
Article 181
Archives and official communications
of the Authority
1. The archives of the Authority, wherever
located, shall be inviolable.
2. Proprietary data, industrial secrets
or similar information and personnel records shall not be placed in archives
which are open to public inspection.
3. With regard to its official communications,
the Authority shall be accorded by each State Party treatment no less favourable
than that accorded by that State to other international organizations.
Article 182
Privileges and immunities of certain
persons connected with the Authority
Representatives of States Parties attending
meetings of the Assembly, the Council or organs of the Assembly or the
Council, and the Secretary-General and staff of the Authority, shall enjoy
in the territory of each State Party:
(a) immunity from legal process with
respect to acts performed by them in the exercise of their functions, except
to the extent that the State which they represent or the Authority, as
appropriate, expressly waives this immunity in a particular case;
(b) if they are not nationals of that
State Party, the same exemptions from immigration restrictions, alien registration
requirements and national service obligations, the same facilities as regards
exchange restrictions and the same treatment in respect of travelling facilities
as are accorded by that State to the representatives, officials and employees
of comparable rank of other States Parties.
Article 183
Exemption from taxes and customs duties
1. Within the scope of its official
activities, the Authority, its assets and property, its income, and its
operations and transactions, authorized by this Convention, shall be exempt
from all direct taxation and goods imported or exported for its official
use shall be exempt from all customs duties. The Authority shall not claim
exemption from taxes which are no more than charges for services rendered.
2. When purchases of goods or services
of substantial value necessary for the official activities of the Authority
are made by or on behalf of the Authority, and when the price of such goods
or services includes taxes or duties, appropriate measures shall, to the
extent practicable, be taken by States Parties to grant exemption from
such taxes or duties or provide for their reimbursement. Goods imported
or purchased under an exemption provided for in this article shall not
be sold or otherwise disposed of in the territory of the State Party which
granted the exemption, except under conditions agreed with that State Party.
3. No tax shall be levied by States
Parties on or in respect of salaries and emoluments paid or any other form
of payment made by the Authority to the Secretary-General and staff of
the Authority, as well as experts performing missions for the Authority,
who are not their nationals.
Article 184
Suspension of the exercise of voting
A State Party which is in arrears in
the payment of its financial contributions to the Authority shall have
no vote if the amount of its arrears equals or exceeds the amount of the
contributions due from it for the preceding two full years. The Assembly
may, nevertheless, permit such a member to vote if it is satisfied that
the failure to pay is due to conditions beyond the control of the member.
Article 185
Suspension of exercise of rights nd
privileges of membership
1. A State Party which has grossly and
persistently violated the provisions of this Part may be suspended from
the exercise of the rights and privileges of membership by the Assembly
upon the recommendation of the Council.
2. No action may be taken under paragraph
I until the Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber has found that a State Party has grossly
and persistently violated the provisions of this Part.
Article 186
Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber of the International
Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
The establishment of the Sea-Bed Disputes
Chamber and the manner in which it shall exercise its jurisdiction shall
be governed by the provisions of this section, of Part XV and of Annex
Article 187
Jurisdiction of the Sea-Bed Disputes
The Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber shall have
jurisdiction under this Part and the Annexes relating thereto in disputes
with respect to activities in the Area falling within the following categories:
(a) disputes between States Parties
concerning the interpretation or application of this Part and the Annexes
relating thereto;
(b) disputes between a State Party and
the Authority concerning:
(i) acts or omissions of the Authority
or of a State Party alleged to be in violation of this Part or the Annexes
relating thereto or of rules, regulations and procedures of the Authority
adopted in accordance there-with; or
(ii) acts of the Authority alleged to
be in excess of jurisdiction or a misuse of power;
(c) disputes between parties to a contract,
being States Parties, the Authority or the Enterprise, state enterprises
and natural or juridical persons referred to in article 153, paragraph
2(b), concerning:
(i) the interpretation or application
of a relevant contract or a plan of work; or
(ii) acts or omissions of a party to
the contract relating to activities in the Area and directed to the other
party or directly affecting its legitimate interests;
(d) disputes between the Authority and
a prospective contractor who has been sponsored by a State as provided
in article 153, paragraph 2 (b), and has duly fulfilled the conditions
referred to in Annex III, article 4, paragraph 6, and article 13, paragraph
2, concerning the refusal of a contract or a legal issue arising in the
negotiation of the contract;
(e) disputes between the Authority and
a State Party, a state enterprise or a natural or juridical person sponsored
by a State Party as provided for in article 153, paragraph 2(b), where
it is alleged that the Authority has incurred liability as provided in
Annex III, article 22;
(f) any other disputes for which the
jurisdiction of the Chamber is specifically provided in this Convention.
Article 188
Submission of disputes to a special
chamber of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea or an ad hoc
chamber of the Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber or to binding commercial arbitration
1. Disputes between States Parties referred
to in article 187, subparagraph (a), may be submitted:
(a) at the request of the parties to
the dispute, to a special chamber of the International Tribunal for the
Law of the Sea to be formed in accordance with Annex VI, articles 15 and
17; or
(b) at the request of any party to the
dispute, to an ad hoc chamber of the Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber to be formed
in accordance with Annex VI, article 36.
2.(a) Disputes concerning the interpretation
or application of a contract referred to in article 187, subparagraph (c)
(i), shall be submitted, at the request of any party to the dispute, to
binding commercial arbitration, unless the parties otherwise agree. A commercial
arbitral tribunal to which the dispute is submitted shall have no jurisdiction
to decide any question of interpretation of this Convention. When the dispute
also involves a question of the interpretation of Part XI and the Annexes
relating thereto, with respect to activities in the Area, that question
shall be referred to the Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber for a ruling.
(b) If, at the commencement of or in
the course of such arbitration, the arbitral tribunal determines, either
at the request of any party to the dispute or proprio motu, that its decision
depends upon a ruling of the Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber, the arbitral tribunal
shall refer such question to the Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber for such ruling.
The arbitral tribunal shall then proceed to render its award in conformity
with the ruling of the Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber.
(c) In the absence of a provision in
the contract on the arbitration procedure to be applied in the dispute,
the arbitration shall be conducted in dance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration
Rules or such other arbitration rules as may be prescribed in the rules,
regulations and procedures of the Authority, unless the parties to the
dispute otherwise agree.
Article 189
Limitation on jurisdiction with regard
to decisions of the Authority
The Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber shall have
no jurisdiction with regard to the exercise by the Authority of its discretionary
powers in accordance with this Part; in no case shall it substitute its
discretion for that of the Authority. Without prejudice to article 191,
in exercising its jurisdiction pursuant to article 187, the Sea-Bed Disputes
Chamber shall not pronounce itself on the question of whether any rules,
regulations and procedures of the Authority are in conformity with this
Convention, nor declare invalid any such rules, regulations and procedures.
Its jurisdiction in this regard shall be confined to deciding claims that
the application of any rules, regulations and procedures of the Authority
in individual cases would be in conflict with the contractual obligations
of the parties to the dispute or their obligations under this Convention,
claims concerning excess of jurisdiction or misuse of power, and to claims
for damages to be paid or other remedy to be given to the party concerned
for the failure of the other party to comply with its contractual obligations
or its obligations under this Convention.
Article 190
Participation and appearance of sponsoring
States Parties in proceedings
1. If a natural or juridical person
is a party to a dispute referred to in article 187, the sponsoring State
shall be given notice thereof and shall have the right to participate in
the proceedings by submitting written or oral statements.
2. If an action is brought against a
State Party by a natural or juridical person sponsored by another State
Party in a dispute referred to in article 187, subparagraph (c), the respondent
State may request the State sponsoring that person to appear in the proceedings
on behalf of that person. Failing such appearance, the respondent State
may arrange to be represented by a juridical person of its nationality.
Article 191
Advisory opinions
The Sea-Bed Disputes Chamber shall give
advisory opinions at the request of the Assembly or the Council on legal
questions arising within the scope of their activities. Such opinions shall
be given as a matter of urgency.
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