Convention on Facilitation
of International Maritime Traffic
(London, 9 April 1965)
DESIRING to facilitate maritime traffic
by simplifying and reducing to a minimum the formalities, documentary requirements
and procedures on the arrival, stay and departure of ships engaged in international
HAVE AGREED as follows:
Article I
The Contracting Governments undertake to adopt,
in accordance with the provisions of the present Convention and its Annex,
all appropriate measures to facilitate and expedite international maritime
traffic and to prevent unnecessary delays to ships and to persons and property
on board.
Article II
(1) The Contracting Governments undertake
to co-operate, in accordance with the provisions of the present Convention,
in the formulation and application of measures for the facilitation of
the arrival, stay and departure of ships. Such measures shall be, to the
fullest extent practicable, not less favourable than measures applied in
respect of other means of international transport; however, these measures
may differ according to particular requirements.
(2) The measures for the facilitation of international
maritime traffic provided for under the present Convention and its Annex
apply equally to the ships of coastal and non-coastal States the Governments
of which are Parties to the present Convention.
(3) The provisions of the present Convention
do not apply to warships or pleasure yachts.
Article III
The Contracting Governments undertake to co-operate
in securing the highest practicable degree of uniformity in formalities,
documentary requirements and procedures in all matters in which such uniformity
will facilitate and improve international maritime traffic and keep to
a minimum any alterations in formalities, documentary requirements and
procedures necessary to meet special requirements of a domestic nature.
Article IV
With a view to achieving the ends set forth
in the preceding Articles of the present Convention, the Contracting Governments
undertake to co-operate with each other or through the Inter-Governmental
Maritime Consultative Organization (hereinafter called the "Organization")
in matters relating to formalities, documentary requirements and procedures,
as well as their application to international maritime traffic.
Article V
(1) Nothing in the present Convention or its
Annex shall be interpreted as preventing the application of any wider facilities
which a Contracting Government grants or may grant in future in respect
of international maritime traffic under its national laws or the provisions
of any other international agreement.
(2) Nothing in the present Convention or its
Annex shall be interpreted as precluding a Contracting Government from
applying temporary measures considered by that Government to be necessary
to preserve public morality, order and security or to prevent the introduction
or spread of diseases or pests affecting public health, animals or plants.
(3) All matters that are not expressly provided
for in the present Convention remain subject to the legislation of the
Contracting Governments.
Article VI
For the purposes of the present Convention
and its Annex:
(a) "Standards" are those measures the uniform
application of which by Contracting Governments in accordance with the
Convention is necessary and practicable in order to facilitate international
maritime traffic;
(b) "Recommended Practices" are those measures
the application of which by Contracting Governments is desirable in order
to facilitate international maritime traffic.
Article VII
(1) The Annex to the present Convention may
be amended by the Contracting Governments, either at the proposal of one
of them or by a conference convened for that purpose.
(2) Any Contracting Government may propose
an amendment to the Annex by forwarding a draft amendment to the Secretary-General
of the Organization (hererinafter called the "Secretary-General"):
(a) Upon the express request of a Contracting
Government, the Secretary-General shall communicate any such proposal directly
to all Contracting Governments for their consideration and acceptance.
If he receives no such express request, the Secretary-General may proceed
to such consultations as he deems advisable before communicating the proposal
to the Contracting Governments;
(b) Each Contracting Government shall notify
the Secretary-General within one year from the receipt of any such communication
whether or not it accepts the proposal;
(c) Any such notification shall be made in
writing to the Secretary-General who shall inform all Contracting Governments
of its receipt;
(d) Any amendment to the Annex under this
paragraph shall enter into force six months after the date on which the
amendment is accepted by a majority of the Contracting Governments;
(e) The Secretary-General shall inform all
Contracting Governments of any amendment which enters into force under
this paragraph, together with the date on which such amendment shall enter
into force.
(3) A conference of the Contracting Governments
to consider amendments to the Annex shall be convened by the Secretary-General
upon the request of at least one-third of these Governments. Every amendment
adopted by such conference by a two-thirds majority of the Contracting
Governments present and voting shall enter into force six months after
the date on which the Secretary-General notifies the Contracting Governments
of the amendment adopted.
(4) The Secretary-General shall notify promptly
all signatory Governments of the adoption and entry into force of any amendment
under this Article.
Article VIII
(1) Any Contracting Government that finds
it impracticable to comply with any Standard by bringing its own formalities,
documentary requirements or procedures into full accord with it or which
deems it necessary for special reasons to adopt formalities, documentary
requirements or procedures differing from that Standard, shall so inform
the Secretary-General and notify him of the differences between its own
practice and such Standard. Such notification shall be made as soon as
possible after entry into force of the present Convention for the Government
concerned, or after the adoption of such differing formalities, documentary
requirements or procedures.
(2) Notification by a Contracting Government
of any such difference in the case of an amendment to a Standard or of
a newly adopted Standard shall be made to the Secretary-General as soon
as possible after the entry into force of such amended or newly adopted
Standard, or after the adoption of such differing formalities, documentary
requirements or procedures and may include an indication of the action
proposed to bring the formalities, documentary requirements or procedures
into full accord with the amended or newly adopted Standard.
(3) Contracting Governments are urged to bring
their formalities, documentary requirements and procedures into accord
with the Recommended Practices insofar as practicable. As soon as any Contracting
Government brings its own formalities, documentary requirements and procedures
into accord with any Recommended Practice, it shall notify the Secretary-General
(4) The Secretary-General shall inform the
Contracting Governments of any notification made to him in accordance with
the preceding paragraphs of this Article.
Article IX
The Secretary-General shall convene a conference
of the Contracting Governments for revision or amendment of the present
Convention at the request of not less than one-third of the Contracting
Governments. Any revision or amendments shall be adopted by a two-thirds
majority vote of the Conference and then certified and communicated by
the Secretary-General to all Contracting Governments for their acceptance.
One year after the acceptance of the revision or amendments by two-thirds
of the Contracting Governments, each revision or amendment shall enter
into force for all Contracting Governments except those which, before its
entry into force, make a declaration that they do not accept the revision
or amendment. The Conference may by a two-thirds majority vote determine
at the time of its adoption that a revision or amendment is of such a nature
that any Contracting Government which has made such a declaration and which
does not accept the revision or amendment within a period of one year after
the revision or amendment enters into force shall, upon the expiration
of this period, cease to be a party to the Convention.
Article X
(1) The present Convention shall remain open
for signature for six months from this day's date and shall thereafter
remain open for accession.
(2) The Governments of States Members of the
United Nations, or of any of the specialized agencies, or the International
Atomic Energy Agency, or Parties to the Statute of the International Court
of Justice may become Parties to the present Convention by:
(a) signature without reservation as to acceptance;
(b) signature with reservation as to acceptance
followed by acceptance; or
(c) accession.
Acceptance or accession shall be effected
by the deposit of an instrument with the Secretary-General.
(3) The Government of any State not entitled
to become a Party under paragraph 2 of this Article may apply through the
Secretary-General to become a Party and shall be admitted as a Party in
accordance with paragraph 2, provided that its application has been approved
by two-thirds of the Members of the Organization other than Associate Members.
Article XI
The present Convention shall enter into force
sixty days after the date upon which the Governments of at least ten States
have either signed it without reservation as to acceptance or have deposited
instruments of acceptance or accession. It shall enter into force for a
Government which subsequently accepts it or accedes to it sixty days after
the deposit of the instrument of acceptance or accession.
Article XII
Three years after entry into force of the
present Convention with respect to a Contracting Government, such Government
may denounce it by notification in writing addressed to the Secretary-General
who shall notify all Contracting Governments of the content and date of
receipt of any such notification. Such denunciation shall take effect one
year, or such longer period as may be specified in the notification, after
its receipt by the Secretary-General.
Article XIII
(1) (a) The United Nations in cases where
they are the administering authority for a territory, or any Contracting
Government responsible for the international relations of a territory,
as soon as possible consult with such territory in an endeavour to extend
the present Convention to that territory, and may at any time by notification
in writing given to the Secretary-General declare that the Convention shall
extend to such territory.
(b) The present Convention shall from the
date of the receipt of the notification or from such other date as may
be specified in the notification extend to the territory named therein.
(c) The provisions of Article VIII of the
present Convention shall apply to any territory to which the Convention
is extended in accordance with the present Article; for this purpose, the
expression "its own formalities, documentary requirements or procedures"
shall include those in force in that territory.
(d) The present Convention shall cease to
extend to any territory one year after the receipt by the Secretary-General
of a notification to this effect, or on such later date as may be specified
(2) The Secretary-General shall inform all
the Contracting Governments of the extension of the present Convention
to any territory under paragraph 1 of this Article, stating in each case
the date from which the Convention has been so extended.
Article XIV
The Secretary-General shall inform all signatory
Governments, all Contracting Governments and all Members of the Organization
(a) the signatures affixed to the present
Convention and the dates thereof;
(b) the deposit of instruments of acceptance
and accession together with the dates of their deposit;
(c) the date on which the Convention enters
into force in accordance with Article XI;
(d) any notification received in accordance
with Articles XII and XIII and the date thereof;
(e) the convening of any conference under
Articles VII or IX.
Article XV
The present Convention and its Annex shall
be deposited with the Secretary-General who shall transmit certified copies
thereof to signatory Governments and to acceding Governments. As soon as
the present Convention enters into force, it shall be registered by the
Secretary-General in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the
United Nations.
Article XVI
The present Convention and its Annex shall
be establi shed in the English and French languages, both texts being equally
authentic. Official translations shall be prepared in the Russian and Spanish
languages and shall be deposited with the signed originals.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned
being duly authorized by their respective Governments for that purpose
have signed the present Convention.
DONE at London this ninth day of April
For the purpose of the provisions of this
Annex, the following meanings shall be attributed to the terms listed:
Cargo. Any goods, wares, merchandise, and
articles of every kind whatsoever carried on a ship, other than mail, ship's
stores, ship's spare parts, ship's equipment, crew's effects and passengers'
accompanied baggage.
Crew's effects. Clothing, items in everyday
use and any other articles, which may include currency, belonging to the
crew and carried on the ship.
Crew member. Any person actually employed
for duties on board during a voyage in the working or service of a ship
and included in the crew list.
Cruise ship. A ship on an international voyage
carrying passengers participating in a group programme and accommodated
aboard, for the purpose of making scheduled temporary tourist visits at
one or more different ports, and which during the voyage does not normally:
(a) embark or disembark any other passengers;
(b) load or discharge any cargo.
Mail. Dispatches of correspondence and other
objects tendered by and intended for delivery to postal administrations.
Passenger in transit. A passenger who arrives
by ship from a foreign country for the purpose of continuing his journey
by ship or some other means of transport to a foreign country.
Passengers' accompanied baggage. Property,
which may include currency, carried for a passenger on the same ship as
the passenger, whether in his personal possession or not, so long as it
is not carried under a contract of carriage or other similar agreement.
Public authorities. The agencies or officials
in a State responsible for the application and enforcement of the laws
and regulations of that State which relate to any aspect of the Standards
Recommended Practices contained in this Annex.
Shipowner. One who owns or operates a ship,
whether a person, a corporation or other legal entity, and any person acting
on behalf of the owner or operator.
Ship's equipment. Articles, other than ship's
spare parts, on board a ship for use thereon, which are removable but not
of a consumable nature, including accessories such as lifeboats, life-saving
devices, furniture, ship's apparel and similar items.
Ship's spare parts. Articles of a repair or
replacement nature for incorporation in the ship in which they are carried.
Ship's stores. Goods for use in the ship,
including consumable goods, goods carried for sale to passengers and crew
members, fuel and lubricants, but excluding ship's equipment and ship's
spare parts.
Shore leave. Permission for a crew member
to be ashore during the ship's stay in port within such geographical or
time limits, if any, as may be decided by the public authorities.
Time of arrival. Time when a ship first comes
to rest, whether at anchor or at a dock, in a port.
In conjunction with paragraph 2 of Article
V of the Convention, the provisions of this Annex shall not preclude public
authorities from taking such appropriate measures, including calling for
further information, as may be necessary in cases of suspected fraud or
to deal with special problems constituting a grave danger to public order
(ordre public), public security or public health, or to prevent
the introduction or spread of diseases or pests affecting animals or plants.
1.1 Standard. Public authorities shall in
all cases require only essential information to be furnished, and shall
keep the number of items to a minimum.
Where a specific list of particulars is set
out in the Annex, public authorities shall not require to be furnished
such of those particulars as they consider not essential.
1.2 Recommended Practice. Notwithstanding
the fact that documents for certain purposes may be separately prescribed
and required in this Annex, public authorities, bearing in mind the interests
of those who are required to complete the documents as well as the purposes
for which they are to be used, should provide for any two or more such
documents to be combined into one in any case in which this is practicable
and in which an appreciable degree of facilitation would result.
This section contains the provisions concerning
the formalities required of shipowners by the public authorities on the
arrival, stay and departure of the ship and shall not be read so as to
preclude a requirement for the presentation for inspection by the appropriate
authorities of certificates and other papers carried by the ship pertaining
to its registry, measurement, safety, manning and other related matters.
2.1 Standard. Public authorities shall not
require for their retention, on arrival or departure of ships to which
the Convention applies, any documents other than those covered by the present
The documents in question are:
- General Declaration
- Cargo Declaration
- Ship's Stores Declaration
- Crew's Effects Declaration
- Crew List
- Passenger List
- The document required under the Universal
Postal Convention for mail
- Maritime Declaration of Health.
2.2 Standard. The General Declaration shall
be the basic document on arrival and departure providing information required
by public authorities relating to the ship.
2.2.1 Recommended Practice. The same form
of General Declaration should be accepted for both the arrival and the
departure of a ship.
2.2.2 Recommended Practice. In the General
Declaration public authorities should not require more than the following
- Name and description of the ship
- Nationality of ship
- Particulars regarding registry
- Particulars regarding tonnage
- Name of master
- Name and address of ship's agent
- Brief description of the cargo
- Number of crew
- Number of passengers
- Brief particulars of voyage
- Date and time of arrival, or date of departure
- Port of arrival or departure
- Position of the ship in the port.
2.2.3 Standard. Public authorities shall accept
a General Declaration dated and signed by the master, the ship's agent
or some other person duly authorized by the master.
2.3 Standard. The Cargo Declaration shall
be the basic document on arrival and departure providing information required
by public authorities relating to the cargo. However, particulars of any
dangerous cargo may also be required to be furnished separately.
2.3.1 Recommended Practice. In the Cargo Declaration
public authorities should not require more than the following information:
(a) on arrival
- Name and nationality of the ship
- Name of master
- Port arrived from
- Port where report is made
- Marks and numbers; number and kind of packages;
quantity and description of the goods
- Bill of lading numbers for cargo to be discharged
at the port in question
- Ports at which cargo remaining on board
will be discharged
- Original ports of shipment in respect of
goods shipped on through bills of lading
(b) on departure
- Name and nationality of the ship
- Name of master
- Port of destination
- In respect of goods loaded at the port in
question: marks and numbers; number and kind of packages; quantity and
description of the goods
- Bill of lading numbers for cargo loaded
at the port in question.
2.3.2 Standard. In respect of cargo remaining
on board, public authorities should require only brief details of the minimum
essential items of information to be furnished.
2.3.3 Standard. Public authorities shall accept
a Cargo Declaration dated and signed by the master, the ship's agent or
some other person duly authorized by the master.
2.3.4 Recommended Practice. Public authorities
should accept in place of the Cargo Declaration a copy of the ship's manifest
provided it contains all the information required in accordance with Recommended
Practices 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 and is dated and signed in accordance with Standard
As an alternative, public authorities may
accept a copy of the bill of lading signed in accordance with Standard
2.3.3 or certified as a true copy, if the nature and quantity of cargo
make this practicable and provided that any information in accordance with
Recommended Practices 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 which does not appear in such documents
is also furnished elsewhere and duly certified.
2.3.5 Recommended Practice. Public authorities
should allow unmanifested parcels in possession of the master to be omitted
from the Cargo Declaration provided that particulars of these parcels are
furnished separately.
2.4 Standard. The Ship's Stores Declaration
shall be the basic document on arrival and departure providing information
required by public authorities relating to ship's stores.
2.4.1 Standard. Public authorities shall accept
a Ship's Stores Declaration dated and signed by the master or by some other
ship's officer duly authorized by the master and having personal knowledge
of the facts regarding the ship's stores.
2.5 Standard. The Crew's Effects Declaration
shall be the basic document providing information required by public authorities
relating to crew's effects. It shall not be required on departure.
2.5.1 Standard. Public authorities shall accept
a Crew's Effects Declaration dated and signed by the master or by some
other ship's officer duly authorized by the master. The public authorities
may also require each crew member to place his signature, or, if he is
unable to do so, his mark, against the declaration relating to his effects.
2.5.2 Recommended Practice. Public authorities
should normally require particulars of only those crew's effects which
are dutiable or subject to prohibitions or restrictions.
2.6 Standard. The Crew List shall be the basic
document providing public authorities with information relating to the
number and composition of the crew on the arrival and departure of a ship.
2.6.1 Recommended Practice. In the Crew List,
public authorities should not require more than the following information:
- Name and nationality of the ship
- Family name
- Given names
- Nationality
- Rank or rating
- Date and place of birth
- Nature and number of identity document
- Port and date of arrival
- Arriving from.
2.6.2 Standard. Public authorities shall accept
a Crew List dated and signed by the master or by some other ship's officer
duly authorized by the master.
2.7 Standard. The Passenger List shall be
the basic document providing public authorities with information relating
to passengers on the arrival and departure of a ship.
2.7.1 Recommended Practice. Public authorities
should not require Passenger Lists on short sea routes or combined ship/railway
services between neighbouring countries.
2.7.2 Recommended Practice. Public authorities
should not require Embarkation or Disembarkation Cards in addition to Passenger
Lists in respect of passengers whose names appear on those Lists. However,
where public authorities have special problems constituting a grave danger
to public health a person on an international voyage may on arrival be
required to give a destination address in writing.
2.7.3 Recommended Practice. In the Passenger
List public authorities should not require more than the following information:
- Name and nationality of the ship
- Family name
- Given names
- Nationality
- Date of birth
- Place of birth
- Port embarkation
- Port of disembarkation
- Port and date of arrival of the ship.
2.7.4 Recommended Practice. A list compiled
by shipping companies for their own use should be accepted in place of
the Passenger List, provided it contains at least the information required
in accordance with Recommended Practice 2.7.3 and is dated and signed in
accordance with Standard 2.7.5.
2.7.5 Standard. Public authorities shall accept
a Passenger List dated and signed by the master, the ship's agent or some
other person duly authorized by the master.
2.7.6 Standard. Public authorities should
ensure that shipowners notify them on arrival of the presence of any stowaway
discovered on board.
2.8 Standard. Public authorities shall not
require on arrival or departure of the ship any written declaration in
respect of mail other than that prescribed in the Universal Postal Convention.
2.9 Standard. The Maritime Declaration of
Health shall be the basic document providing information required by Port
Health authorities relating to the state of health on board a ship during
the voyage and on arrival at a port.
2.10 Standard. In respect of a ship's arrival
in port, public authorities shall not require more than:
- 5 copies of the General Declaration
- 4 copies of the Cargo Declaration
- 4 copies of the Ship's Stores Declaration
- 2 copies of the Crew's Effects Declaration
- 4 copies of the Crew List
- 4 copies of the Passenger List
- 1 copy of the Maritime Declaration of Health.
2.11 Standard. In respect of a ship's departure
from port, public authorities shall not require more than:
- 5 copies of the General Declaration
- 4 copies of the Cargo Declaration
- 3 copies of the Ship's Stores Declaration
- 2 copies of the Crew List
- 2 copies of the Passenger List.
2.11.1 Standard. A new Cargo Declaration should
not be required on departure from a port in respect of cargo which has
been the subject of a declaration on arrival in that port and which has
remained on board.
2.11.2 Recommended Practice. A separate Ship's
Stores Declaration on departure should not be required in respect of ship's
stores which have been the subject of a declaration on arrival, nor in
respect of stores shipped in the port and covered by another customs document
presented in that port.
2.11.3 Standard. Where public authorities
require information about the crew of a ship on its departure, a copy of
the Crew List, presented on arrival, shall be accepted on departure if
signed again and endorsed to indicate any change in the number or composition
of the crew or to indicate that no such change has occurred.
2.12 Recommended Practice. Public authorities
should, with the co-operation of shipowners and port administrations, take
appropriate measures to the end that port time may be kept to a minimum
and should provide satisfactory port traffic flow arrangements, should
frequently review all procedures in connexion with the arrival and departure
of ships including arrangements for embarkation and disembarkation, loading
and unloading, servicing and the like. They should also make arrangements
whereby cargo ships and their loads can be entered and cleared, in so far
as may be practicable, at the ship working area.
2.12.1 Recommended Practice. Public authorities
should, with the co-operation of shipowners and port administrations, take
appropriate measures to the end that satisfactory port traffic flow arrangements
are provided so that handling and clearance procedures for cargo will be
smooth and uncomplicated. These arrangements should cover all phases from
the time the ship arrives at the dock for unloading and customs clearance
and for warehousing and re-forwarding of the cargo if required. There should
be convenient and direct access between the cargo warehouse and the customs
area, both of which should be located close to the dock area, and mechanical
conveyance systems should be available, where possible.
2.12.2 Recommended Practice. Public authorities
should encourage owners and/or operators of cargo docks and warehouses
to provide special storage facilities for cargo subject to high risk of
theft, and to protect those areas in which cargo is to be stored, either
temporarily or for long terms, prior to onward shipment or local delivery
against access by unauthorized persons.
2.12.3 Standard. Public authorities shall,
subject to compliance with their respective regulations, permit the temporary
import of containers and pallets without payment of customs duties and
other taxes and charges and shall facilitate their use in maritime traffic.
2.12.4 Recommended Practice. Public authorities
should provide in their regulations, referred to in Standard 2.12.3, for
the acceptance of a simple declaration to the effect that containers and
pallets temporarily imported will be re-exported within the time limit
set by the State concerned.
2.12.5 Recommended Practice. Public authorities
should permit containers and pallets entering the territory of a State
under the provisions of Standard 2.12.3 to depart the limits of the port
of arrival for clearance of imported cargo and/or loading of export cargo
under simplified control procedures and with a minimum of documentation.
2.13 Recommended Practice. Taking into account
the procedures carried out on the arrival of a ship at the first port of
call in the territory of State, the formalities and documents required
by the public authorities at any subsequent port of call in that country
visited without intermediate call at a port in another country should be
kept to a minimum.
2.14 Recommended Practice. Public authorities
should as far as possible accept the documents provided for in this Annex
except as regards Standard 3.7 irrespective of the language in which the
required information is furnished thereon, provided that they may require
a written or oral translation into one of the official languages of their
country or of the Organization when they deem it necessary.
2.15 Standard. Typewriting shall not be required
in completing documents provided for in this Section. Entries handwritten
in ink or indelible pencil shall be accepted when legible. Documents produced
by electronic and other automatic data processing techniques, in legible
and understandable form, shall be accepted.
2.16 Standard. Public authorities of the country
of any intended port of arrival, discharge, or transit shall not require
any document relating to the ship, its cargo, stores, passengers or crew,
as mentioned in this Section, to be legalized, verified, authenticated,
or previously dealt with by any of their representatives abroad. This shall
not be deemed to preclude a requirement for the presentation of a passport
or other identity document of a passenger or crew member for visa or similar
2.17 Standard. Public authorities shall seek
the co-operation of shipowners to ensure that, when ships intend to call
at ports for the sole purpose of putting ashore sick or injured crew members,
passengers or other persons for emergency medical treatment, the master
shall give the public authorities as much notice as possible of that intention,
with the fullest possible details of the sickness or injury and of the
identity and status of the persons.
2.18 Standard. Public authorities shall by
radio whenever possible, but in any case by the fastest channels available,
inform the master, before the arrival of the ship, of the documentation
and the procedures necessary to put the sick or injured persons ashore
expeditiously and to clear the ship without delay.
2.19 Standard. With regard to ships calling
at ports for this purpose and intending to leave again immediately, public
authorities shall give priority in berthing if the state of the sick person
or the sea conditions do not allow a safe disembarkation in the roads or
harbour approaches.
2.20 Standard. With regard to ships calling
at ports for this purpose and intending to leave again immediately, public
authorities shall not normally require the documents mentioned in Standard
2.1 with the exception of the Maritime Declaration of Health and, if it
is indispensable, the General Declaration.
2.21 Standard. Where public authorities require
the General Declaration, this document shall not contain more information
than that mentioned in Recommended Practice 2.2.2 and, wherever possible,
shall contain less.
2.22 Standard. Where the public authorities
apply control measures related to the arrival of a ship prior to sick or
injured persons being put ashore, emergency medical treatment and measures
for the protection of public health shall take precedence over these control
2.23 Standard. Where guarantees or undertakings
are required in respect of costs of treatment or eventual removal or repatriation
of the persons concerned, emergency medical treatment shall not be withheld
or delayed while these guarantees or undertakings are being obtained.
2.24 Standard. Emergency medical treatment
and measures for the protection of public health shall take precedence
over any control measures which public authorities may apply to sick or
injured persons being put ashore.
This section contains the provisions concerning
the formalities required by public authorities from crew and passengers
on the arrival or departure of a ship.
3.1 Standard. A valid passport shall be the
basic document providing public authorities with information relating to
the individual passenger on arrival or departure of a ship.
3.1.1 Recommended Practice. Contracting Governments
should as far as possible agree, by bilateral or multilateral agreements,
to accept official documents of identity in lieu of passports.
3.2 Recommended Practice. Public authorities
should make arrangements whereby passports, or official documents of identity
accepted in their place, from ship's passengers need be inspected by the
immigration authorities only once at the time of arrival and once at the
time of departure. In addition these passports or official documents of
may be required to be produced for the purpose of verification or identification
in connexion with customs and other formalities on arrival and departure.
3.3 Recommended Practice. After individual
presentation of passports or official documents of identity accepted in
their place, public authorities should hand back such documents immediately
after examination rather than withholding them for the purpose of obtaining
additional control, unless there is some obstacle to the admission of a
passenger to the territory.
3.4 Recommended Practice. Public authorities
should not require from embarking or disembarking passengers, or from shipowners
on their behalf, any information in writing supplementary to or repeating
that already presented in their passports or official documents of identity,
other than as necessary to complete any documents provided for in this
3.5 Recommended Practice. Public authorities
which require written supplementary information other than as necessary
to complete any documents provided for in this Annex, from embarking or
disembarking passengers, should limit requirements for further identification
of passengers to the items set forth in Recommended Practice 3.6 (Embarkation/Disembarkation
Card). Public authorities should accept the Embarkation/Disembarkation
Card when completed by the passenger and should not require that it be
completed or checked by the shipowner. Legible handwritten script should
be accepted on the card, except where the form specifies block lettering.
One copy only of the Embarkation/Disembarkation Card, which may include
one or more simultaneously prepared carbon copies, should be required from
each passenger.
3.6 Recommended Practice. In the Embarkation/Disembarkation
Card public authorities should not require more than the following information:
- Family name
- Given names
- Nationality
- Number of passport or other official identity
- Date of birth
- Place of birth
- Occupation
- Port of Embarkation/Disembarkation
- Sex
- Destination address
- Signature.
3.7 Standard. In cases where evidence of protection
against cholera, yellow fever or smallpox is required from persons on board
a ship, public authorities shall accept the International Certificate of
Vaccination or Re-Vaccination in the forms provided for in the International
Health Regulations.
3.8 Recommended Practice. Medical examination
of persons on board or of persons disembarking from ships should normally
be limited to those persons arriving from an area infected with one of
the quarantinable diseases within the incubation period of the disease
concerned (as stated in the International Health Regulations). Additional
medical examination may, however, be required in accordance with the International
Health Regulations.
3.9 Recommended Practice. Public authorities
should normally perform customs inspection of inbound passengers' accompanied
baggage on a sampling or selective basis. Written declarations in respect
of passengers' accompanied baggage should be dispensed with as far as possible.
3.9.1 Recommended Practice. Public authorities
should, wherever possible, waive inspection of accompanied baggage of departing
3.9.2 Recommended Practice. Where inspection
of accompanied baggage of departing passengers cannot be waived completely,
such inspection should normally be performed on a sampling or selective
3.10 Standard. A valid seafarer's identity
document or a passport shall be the basic document providing public authorities
with information relating to the individual member of the crew on arrival
or departure of a ship.
3.10.1 Standard. In the seafarer's identity
document, public authorities shall not require more than the following
- Family name
- Given names
- Date and place of birth
- Nationality
- Physical characteristics
- Photograph (authenticated)
- Signature
- Date of expiry (if any)
- Issuing public authority.
3.10.2 Standard. When it is necessary for
a seafarer to enter or leave a country as a passenger by any means of transportation
for the purpose of
(a) joining his ship or transferring to another
(b) passing in transit to join his ship in
another country, or for repatriation, or for any other purpose approved
by the authorities of the country concerned,
public authorities shall accept from that
seafarer in place of a passport the valid seafarer's identity document,
when this document guarantees the readmission of the bearer to the country
which issued the document.
3.10.3 Recommended Practice. Public authorities
should not normally require presentation of individual identity documents
or of information supplementing the seafarer's identity document in respect
of members of the crew other than that given in the Crew List.
3.11 Recommended Practice. Public authorities
should, with the co-operation of shipowners and port administrations, take
appropriate measures to the end that satisfactory port traffic flow arrangements
may be provided so that passengers, crew and baggage can be cleared rapidly,
should provide adequate personnel, and should ensure that adequate installations
are provided, particular attention being paid to baggage loading, unloading
and conveyance arrangements (including the use of mechanized systems) and
to points where passenger delays are frequently found to occur. Arrangements
should be made, when necessary, for passage under shelter between the ship
and the point where the passenger and crew check is to be made.
3.11.1 Recommended Practice. Public authorities
(a) in co-operation with shipowners and port
administrations introduce suitable arrangements, such as:
(i) an individual and continuous method of
processing passengers and baggage;
(ii) a system which would permit passengers
readily to identify and obtain their checked baggage as soon as it is placed
in an area where it may be claimed;
(b) ensure that port administrations take
all necessary measures so that:
(i) easy and speedy access for passengers
and their baggage, to and from local transport, is provided;
(ii) if crews are required to report to premises
for governmental purposes, those premises should be readily accessible,
and as close to one another as practicable.
3.12 Standard. Public authorities should require
that shipowners ensure that ship's personnel take all appropriate measures
which will help expedite arrival procedures for passengers and crew. These
measures may include:
(a) furnishing public authorities concerned
with an advance message giving the best estimated time of arrival, followed
by information as to any change in time, and stating the itinerary of the
voyage where this may affect inspection requirements;
(b) having ship's documents ready for prompt
(c) providing for ladders or other means of
boarding to be rigged while the ship is en route to berth or anchorage;
(d) providing for prompt, orderly assembling
and presentation of persons on board, with necessary documents, for inspection,
with attention to arrangements for relieving crew members for this purpose
from essential duties in engine rooms and elsewhere.
3.13 Recommended Practice. The practice of
entering names on passenger and crew documents should be to put the family
name or names first. Where both paternal and maternal family names are
used, the paternal family name should be placed first. Where for married
women both the husband's and wife's paternal family names are used, the
husband's paternal family name should be placed first.
3.14 Standard. Public authorities shall, without
unreasonable delay, accept passengers and crew for examination as to their
admission into the State when such examination is required.
3.15 Standard. Public authorities shall not
impose any penalty upon shipowners in the event that any control document
in possession of a passenger is found by public authorities to be inadequate,
or if, for that reason, the passenger is found to be inadmissible to the
3.15.1 Standard. Public authorities should
invite shipowners to take all reasonable precautions to the end that passengers
hold any control documents required by Contracting Governments.
3.15.2 Recommended Practice. For use at marine
terminals and on board ships in order to facilitate and expedite international
maritime traffic, public authorities should implement, or where the matter
does not come within their jurisdiction, recommend to the responsible parties
in their country to implement, standardized international signs and symbols
developed or accepted by the Organization in co-operation with other appropriate
international organizations and which, to the greatest extent practicable,
are common to all modes of transport.
3.16.1 Standard. Public authorities shall
authorize granting of pratique by radio to a cruise ship when, on the basis
of information received from it prior to its arrival, the health authority
for the intended port of arrival is of the opinion that its arrival will
not result in the introduction or spread of a quarantinable disease.
3.16.2 Standard. For cruise ships, the General
Declaration, the Passenger List and the Crew List shall be required only
at the first port of arrival and final port of departure in a country,
provided that there has been no change in the circumstances of the voyage.
3.16.3 Standard. For cruise ships, the Ship's
Stores Declaration and the Crew's Effects Declaration shall be required
only at the first port of arrival in a country.
3.16.4 Standard. Passports or other official
documents of identity shall at all times remain in the possession of cruise
3.16.5 Recommended Practice. If a cruise ships
stays at a port for less than 72 hours, it should not be necessary for
cruise passengers to have visas, except in special circumstances determined
by the public authorities concerned.
Note: It is the intention of this Recommended
Practice that each Contracting State may issue to such passengers or accept
from them upon arrival, some form indicating that they have permission
to enter the territory.
3.16.6 Standard. Cruise passengers shall not
be unduly delayed by the control measures exercised by public authorities.
3.16.7 Standard. In general, except for the
purpose of establishing identity, cruise passengers shall not be subject
to personal examination by immigration officials.
3.16.8 Standard. If a cruise ship calls consecutively
at more than one port in the same country, passengers shall, in general,
be examined by public authorities at the first port of arrival and at the
final port of departure only.
3.16.9 Recommended Practice. To facilitate
their prompt disembarkation, the inward control of passengers on a cruise
ship, where practicable, should be carried out on board before arrival
at the place of disembarkation.
3.16.10 Recommended Practice. Cruise passengers
who disembark at one port and rejoin the same ship at another port in the
same country should enjoy the same facilities as passengers who disembark
and rejoin a cruise ship at the same port.
3.16.11 Recommended Practice. The Maritime
Declaration of Health should be the only health control necessary for cruise
3.16.12 Standard. Duty-free ship's stores
shall be allowed aboard ship for cruise passengers during the ship's stay
in port.
3.16.13 Standard. Cruise passengers shall
not be required to give a written Customs Declaration.
3.16.14 Recommended Practice. Cruise passengers
should not be subject to any currency control.
3.16.15 Standard. Embarkation/Disembarkation
Cards shall not be necessary for cruise passengers.
3.16.16 Recommended Practice. Except where
passenger control is based solely on the Passenger List the public authorities
should not insist on the completion of the following details on the Passenger
- Nationality (column 6)
- Date and place of birth (column 7)
- Port of embarkation (column 8)
- Port of disembarkation (column 9)
3.17.1 Standard. A passenger in transit who
remains on board the ship on which he arrived and departs with it shall
not normally be subjected to routine control by public authorities.
3.17.2 Recommended Practice. A passenger in
transit should be allowed to retain his passport or other identity document.
3.17.3 Recommended Practice. A passenger in
transit should not be required to complete a Disembarkation/Embarkation
3.17.4 Recommended Practice. A passenger in
transit who is continuing his journey from the same port in the same ship
should normally be granted temporary permission to go ashore during the
ship's stay in port if he so wishes.
3.17.5 Recommended Practice. A passenger in
transit who is continuing his journey from the same port in the same ship
should not be required to have a visa, except in special circumstances
determined by the public authorities concerned.
3.17.6 Recommended Practice. A passenger in
transit who is continuing his journey from the same port in the same ship
should not normally be required to give a written Customs Declaration.
3.17.7 Recommended Practice. A passenger in
transit who leaves the ship at one port and embarks in the same ship at
a different port in the same country should enjoy the same facilities as
a passenger who arrives and departs in the same ship at the same port.
3.18 Recommended Practice. A ship engaged
in scientific services carries personnel who are necessarily engaged on
the ship for such scientific purposes of the voyage. If so identified,
such personnel should be granted facilities at least as favourable as those
granted to the crew members of that ship.
3.19 Standard. Foreign crew members shall
be allowed ashore by the public authorities while the ship on which they
arrive is in port, provided that the formalities on arrival of the ship
have been fulfilled and the public authorities have no reason to refuse
permission to come ashore for reasons of public health, public safety or
public order.
3.19.1 Standard. Crew members shall not be
required to hold a visa for the purpose of shore leave.
3.19.2 Recommended Practice. Crew members
before going on or returning from shore leave should not normally be subjected
to personal checks.
3.19.3 Standard. Crew members shall not be
required to have a special permit, e.g. a shore leave pass, for the purpose
of shore leave.
3.19.4 Recommended Practice. If crew members
are required to carry documents of identity with them when they are on
shore leave, these documents should be limited to those mentioned in Standard
4.1 Standard. Public authorities of a State
not Party to the International Health Regulations should endeavour to apply
the relevant provisions of these Regulations to international shipping.
4.2 Recommended Practice. Contracting Governments
having certain interests in common owing to their health, geographical,
social or economic conditions should conclude special arrangements pursuant
to Article 98 of the International Health Regulations when such arrangements
will facilitate the application of those Regulations.
4.3 Recommended Practice. Where Sanitary Certificates
or similar documents are required in respect of shipments of certain animals,
plants or products thereof, such certificates and documents should be simple
and widely publicized and Contracting Governments should co-operate with
a view to standardizing such requirements.
4.4 Recommended Practice. Public authorities
should whenever practicable authorize granting of pratique by radio to
a ship when, on the basis of information received from it prior to its
arrival, the health authority for the intended port of arrival is of the
opinion that its arrival will not result in the introduction or spread
of a quarantinable disease. Health authorities should as far as practicable
be allowed to join a ship prior to entry of the ship into port.
4.4.1 Standard. Public authorities should
seek the co-operation of shipowners to ensure compliance with any requirement
that illness on a ship is to be reported promptly by radio to health authorities
for the port for which the ship is destined, in order to facilitate provision
for the presence of any special medical personnel and equipment necessary
for health procedures on arrival.
4.5 Standard. Public authorities shall make
arrangements to enable all travel agencies and others concerned to make
available to passengers, sufficiently in advance of departure, lists of
the vaccinations required by the public authorities of the countries concerned,
as well as vaccination certificate forms conforming to the International
Health Regulations. Public authorities shall take all possible measures
to have vaccinators use the International Certificates of Vaccination or
Re-Vaccination, in order to assure uniform acceptance.
4.6 Recommended Practice. Public authorities
should provide facilities for the completion of International Certificates
of Vaccination or Re-Vaccination as well as facilities for vaccination,
at as many ports as feasible.
4.7 Standard. Public authorities shall ensure
that sanitary measures and health formalities are initiated forthwith,
completed without delay, and applied without discrimination.
4.8 Recommended Practice. Public authorities
should maintain at as many ports as feasible adequate facilities for the
administration of public health, animal and agricultural quarantine measures.
4.9 Standard. There should be maintained readily
available at as many ports in a State as feasible such medical facilities
as may be reasonable and practicable for the emergency treatment of crews
and passengers.
4.10 Standard. Except in the case of an emergency
constituting a grave danger to public health, a ship which is not infected
or suspected of being infected with a quarantinable disease, shall not
on account of any other epidemic disease be prevented by the health authorities
for a port from discharging or loading cargo or stores or taking on fuel
or water.
4.11 Recommended Practice. Shipments of animals,
animal raw materials, crude animal products, animal foodstuffs and quarantinable
plant products should be permitted in specified circumstances when accompanied
by a quarantine certificate in the form agreed by the States concerned.
5.1 Recommended Practice. Where public authorities
require bonds or other forms of security from shipowners to cover liabilities
under the customs, immigration, public health, agricultural quarantine
or similar laws and regulations of a State, they should permit the use
of a single comprehensive bond or other form of security wherever possible.
5.2 Standard. Public authorities shall, without
delaying the ship, allow corrections of errors in a document provided for
in this Annex, which they are satisfied are inadvertent, not of a serious
nature, not due to recurrent carelessness and not made with intent to violate
laws or regulations, on the condition that these errors are discovered
before the document is fully checked and the corrections can be effected
without delay.
5.3 Standard. If errors are found in documents
provided for in this Annex, signed by or on behalf of a shipowner or master,
no penalties shall be imposed until an opportunity has been given to satisfy
the public authorities that the errors were inadvertent, not of a serious
nature, not due to recurrent carelessness and not made with intent to violate
laws or regulations.
5.4 Recommended Practice. The normal services
of public authorities at a port should be provided without charge during
regular working hours. Public authorities should endeavour to establish
regular working hours for their services at ports consistent with the usual
periods of substantial work load.
5.4.1 Standard. Contracting Governments should
adopt all practicable measures to organize the normal services of public
authorities at ports in order to avoid unnecessary delay of ships after
their arrival or when ready to depart and reduce the time for completion
of formalities to a minimum, provided that sufficient notice of estimated
time of arrival or departure shall be given to the public authorities.
5.4.2 Standard. No charge shall be made by
a health authority for any medical examination, or any supplementary examination,
whether bacteriological or otherwise, carried out at any time of the day
or night, if such examination is required to ascertain the health of the
person examined, nor for visit to and inspection of a ship for quarantine
purposes except inspection of a ship for the issue of a Deratting or Deratting
Exemption Certificate, nor shall a charge be made for any vaccination of
a person arriving by ship nor for a certificate thereof. However, where
measures other than these are necessary in respect of a ship or its passengers
or crew and charges are made for them by a health authority, such charges
shall be made in accordance with a single tariff which shall be uniform
to the territory concerned and they shall be levied without distinction
as to the nationality, domicile or residence of any person concerned or
as to the nationality, flag, registry or ownership of the ship.
5.4.3 Recommended Practice. When the services
of public authorities are provided outside the regular working hours referred
to in Recommended Practice 5.4, they should be provided on terms which
shall be moderate and not exceed the actual cost of the services rendered.
5.5 Standard. Where the volume of traffic
at a port warrants, public authorities shall ensure that services are provided
for the accomplishment of the formalities in respect of cargo and baggage,
regardless of value or type.
5.6 Recommended Practice. Contracting Governments
should endeavour to make arrangements whereby one Government will permit
another Government certain facilities before or during the voyage to examine
ships, passengers, crew, baggage, cargo and documentation for customs,
immigration, public health, plant and animal quarantine purposes when such
action will facilitate clearance upon arrival in the latter State.
5.7 Standard. Where any cargo listed on the
Cargo Declaration is not discharged at the port of intended destination,
public authorities shall permit amendment of the Cargo Declaration and
shall not impose penalties if satisfied that the cargo was not in fact
loaded on the ship, or, if loaded, was landed at another port.
5.8 Standard. When by error, or for other
valid reason, any cargo is discharged at a port other than the port of
intended destination, public authorities shall facilitate reforwarding
to its intended destination. This provision does not apply to dangerous,
prohibited or restricted cargo.
5.9 Standard. Public authorities shall not
require a shipowner to place special information for use of such authorities
on a bill of lading or a copy thereof, unless the shipowner is, or is acting
for, the importer or exporter.
5.10 Standard. Public authorities shall not
hold the shipowner responsible for the presentation or accuracy of documents
which are required of the importer or exporter in connexion with the clearance
of cargo, unless the shipowner is, or is acting for, the importer or exporter.
5.11 Standard. Public authorities shall facilitate
the arrival and departure of vessels engaged in natural disaster relief
5.12 Standard. Public authorities shall to
the greatest extent possible facilitate the entry and clearance of persons
and cargo arriving in vessels referred to in Standard 5.11. |